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Anne Mae's POV

"Thank you!" I kissed the crowd goodbye as they cheered & threw roses on the stage. Tonight was amazing! I bet I made about $25k or more. The club was packed tonight. I walked backstage & went in my dressing room. I wiped the sweat off my forehead & reapplied my makeup. I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in!"

"Anne mae, you are something else!"

I turned around to face Prince with a smile on my face

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I turned around to face Prince with a smile on my face. "How much we made tonight?"

"Oh about $27-30k!" He pulled out a bag full with money. I squealed & grabbed the bag. All of this is my mine!

"This is wonderful!"

"You keep doing what you doing & you'll get more then that" He said sitting down on my heart-shaped couch.

"I can't believe I made this much money all in one night! Now I have enough to pay off some debts."

"Your a star anne mae" he exclaimed "you have a gift."

"I just hope I can get a record deal one day."

He hummed "anne, don't get your hopes up. Record deals are impossible to get nowadays. We haven't had one producer come in for the past two months. These people are interested in all ready experienced artists."

"But I am a experienced artist!"

"My point exactly! All them go to the Diamonds Club!" He said.

"Well why don't you book me a show there?"

"It doesn't work like that Anne. That club is impossible to book" he said.

"I need to get a record deal. I can't spend the rest of my life singing here. I mean I do love "The Kid" but the diamonds have special people there. I need them in my life prince!"

"I know anne mae & i understand" he got on one knee & held my hands "I promise you I will book you a show at the diamonds club."

I gave him a weak smile "okay."

He stood up & walked out of the room. I sighed & grabbed a cigarette from my purse. I lit it up & took a puff. For five years, i've been working at "The Kid" trying to make some money. The first two months was really slow. I was behind on rent, bills, & owing people back. I was damn near homeless. I was about to quit until a bunch of people from out of town came here for a family reunion. We made so much money that night. After that, more people started to come. Three months later, a new club was built across the street from us. "The Diamond Club". The club that celebrities, businesspeople, & record labels be at every night. It is impossible to get in there. You have to be a special person with a perfect career. No one knows who own it. People assume it was some rapper or a very rich businessman. Ever since, our clubs have been neck to neck.

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