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Anne Mae's POV

I turned off the curling iron & put it up. Today I have to meet up with prince to discuss some important. He wouldn't tell me over the phone so instead he told me to meet up with him. As I ramble around for my attire, I heard a simple knock on my door. I quickly opened it but was taken back by the person that was standing in front of me.

"Hello darling."


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"Hi." That's all I could let out. How did she know where I live? I moved out of the way to let her in. She took off her black fur coat & threw it on the couch. She looked around & giggled. "Your are one messy gal" she said joking.

"I didn't have time to clean up" I tugged on my robe "what are you doing here?"

"To tell you some good news!" She exclaimed.

I frowned in confusion "What good news?"

"Your gonna be working at the diamond club!" She squealed in excitement.

I gasped "what?"

"Your gonna be a official star! And its a permanent spot too & you get paid in full. You don't ever have to worry about how much you make a night" she added.

I sat down on my couch still shock. Is my ears clear? Did I hear her right? Did she just say I will be working at the diamond club? I didn't expect this to happened so soon. But what about prince?

"I don't know what to say."

"You can thank me later when you get on that stage & sing tonight" she said happily.

"Tonight? I have to perform tonight?"

"Well yes, if your going to work at the diamonds club, you have to work fast. This is a once in the lifetime opportunity" she said.

This is my dream & it finally came true. That means I have to quit my job at "The Kid". Prince would be devastated.

"I have a meeting to go to but I will come tonight."

"Good" she grabbed her coat & walked towards the door.

"Oh & don't worry about the clothes & makeup. Diamonds club got you covered" she said before leaving my apartment.

I laughed in joy. I can't believe this is happening.


I approached the table & sat my purse down beside me. I took off my shades & ordered some coffee. Finally, he came & sat down across from me.

"Hey, anne."

"What did you want to talk about?"

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"What did you want to talk about?"

"I'm afraid I have some bad news" he said lowly.

"What's wrong?"

"Im gonna have to fire you Anne" he said.

I frowned in confusion "what do you mean fire me?"

"The club is going downhill. Although we've made a lot of money, we're going into bankruptcy" he said.

"What! Bankruptcy?"

"We've made some money but not enough to pay off some debts & bills. So I have to close the club down for good" he said.

"Wow, all my hard work gone down the drain" I leaned back in my seat.

"Anne its gonna be okay. I found another place to open up a new club. Its small but I have to start somewhere" he said.

"First you fire me then your gonna rehire me to sing at a club that isn't going to do any good like the last one."

"Anne mae, don't be like that! With your voice we're going to make millions instead of thousands. I found a couple of producers to come & meet you. There willing to sign you to their label" he said.

I chuckled at his lies. For years he told me somebody will sign me. Everyone listened to my demo & said no. I recorded my demo in Prince's living room in the hot ass heat. Nothing but bad luck has happened to me because of him.

"I'm gonna have to decline your offer prince. I can't be a nobody again. As a matter of fact, I'm sick of being a nobody. I wanna be a star. That's why I decided to work at the diamonds club."

"The diamonds club?" He frowned "how the hell you gon' work there? Its already impossible to get in."

"I met someone outside the club two days ago. They took me inside too see the marvelous place. Its way bigger then I imagined."

"Anne mae, that's our competition. What are you doing in that place?" He asked angrily.

"I got a job there. I will be working with them for now on."

"So that's how it goes? You leave me for them muthafuckas?" He questioned.

"At least they don't have to worry about not going bankruptcy."

He stayed quiet from my back-bite. I grabbed my bag from the floor & pulled out a couple of dollars. I threw it on the table & put my shades on.

"Good day." I got up & walked out of the restaurant. I will be a star no matter how long it takes or the risk.

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