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Anne Mae's POV

"Anne mae! Let me explain!"

"I don't wanna hear it prince!" I walked down the sidewalk avoiding him

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"I don't wanna hear it prince!" I walked down the sidewalk avoiding him.

"I had the deal right then & there. I don't know what happened!" He exclaimed trying to keep up with me.

I ignored him & continued walking down the sidewalk. This is the second promise he broke. I'm beginning to not trust him.

"Anne mae! Please don't do this to me! We have something special. You can't break that off" he said.

I stopped walking to look at him with a crazed look upon my face. "Something special? Do you really think we have something special after the promise you just broke?"

He stood in front of me panting "honestly anne mae, i don't know what happened. One minute I had the deal next minute I get a call about canceling our deal. I paid them money & everything. I meant what I said about making you a star but you have to trust me. These type of things can happen sometime."

"Prince, I'm sick of hearing the same ole' shit over & over again. Don't make promises that you can't keep."

"Anne mae, please" he touched my arm. I quickly jerked away from his touch. I shook my head in disappointment & continued walking.  He must've gave up because I didn't hear his footsteps anymore.

I accidentally bumped into someone causing them to spill their things. I apologized & started picking their things up but when I looked up. My eyes widen.


"Anne mae!"

Her face looked swollen underneath all that makeup like she was in a fight

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Her face looked swollen underneath all that makeup like she was in a fight. I looked down to see baby formula & food. I frowned in confusion.

"Michael has a baby?"

Her eyes widen with fear "what? N-n-no, he doesn't. He hasn't had the time to make one."

She looked so frightened. She quickly picked up the baby things & put them in her bag.

"Are you okay Bobbi? You seem uneased?"

"I'm fine, anne mae" she said smiling.

"No, your not. Your hiding something."

She sighed "its complicated anne. You wouldn't understand."

"Try me."

She looked around in suspicion "we can't talk here."


"He's been hitting you too?"

She shook her head yes "whenever he's mad at the old hag. She gets the worse beatens. I just get the aftermath of it."

"But why?"

"I don't know, I always blame it on his anger problem or too much work but its something else. I try to talk to him about it but we always ended up arguing" she said.

I poured the hot tea into our cups "how long has this been going on?"

"For fifteen years, me & her suffer through it" she took a sip of her tea.

"What's with all the baby stuff? Are you pregnant?"

She cleared her throat before speaking "I have a child. A baby boy, he's nine years old. Soon there's gonna be another one coming."

"Congratulations, is it a boy or girl?"

"I don't know yet, but I'm hoping its a girl this time. I've always wanted my own mini me" she said.

"I was never big on having kids anytime soon. I thought it was because of the child-births I saw up-close in those hospitals. They traumatized me for a whole month. I vow to never have kids after that."

She giggled "I took that vow also but fucked it up by getting knocked up."

"Are you sleeping with him?"

She looked away in ashamed "are you going to say something to her?"

"Why would I do that?"

"Because you don't like me" she said.

"That's true but for some reason I don't have a reason to not like you. We've all made some type of mistake in our life."

"Yeah, but this one isn't one of them. This one was on purpose. I wanted to get revenge on that evil bitch so bad" she said.

"What happened?"

"Long ago before those two got married, I was working as a assistant & backup vocal for people. I was working at Majesty Records where all the hot artists came from. One day, I had the courage to ask her to help me get a record deal & she said yes. I got a record deal & recorded my own songs. I got what I wanted right? No, something wasn't right. I wasn't receiving any money for the records I did. Turns out, everything she'd planned for my music videos, recording sessions, photoshoots were way over budget. I ended up not getting any check because of her evil ass. I was getting fucked off by a bougie ass bitch. She used my money to buy expensive ridiculous clothes so I can get "famous". Well, I didn't end up famous but flat broke. So I got a job as a waitress on private boats."

"Gotdamn, seriously?"

"Until this day, I vowed to get revenge on that bitch in every ways. Physically, mentally, & socially. She will feel my wrath" she said.

"Wow, I always thought she was a nice person trying to help out."

"She's just putting on a front. Don't fall for her tricks. She'll make you her friend but behind your back she's fucking you off. I'd rather trust Michael then that old hag" she said.

Maybe I will trust Michael.

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