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Anne Mae's POV

I hummed to the lovely music that was playing from the radio. I just got out of the shower & now drying my hair. I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in! Its already unlocked."

The door opened & closed.

"Say anne, we need to talk!"

"What's wrong?" I flipped my hair to the other side

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"What's wrong?" I flipped my hair to the other side.

"You need to quit the diamonds club now!" He shouted through the loud blow dryer.

"What?" I turned off the dryer & unplugged it.

"You need to get away from the diamonds club as soon as possible" he exclaimed "some funny shit is about to happened."

"What? They're adding a circus in the theme?" I laughed.

"I'm serious anne your not safe there" he said.

"What are you talking about prince?" I walked out of the bathroom & sat down on my couch.

"I'm talking about the feds raiding the club this weekend" he said.

"The feds?" I frowned in confusion "why is the feds raiding the place?"

"I heard someone is selling drugs through the club. The feds got the word on it is about to infest the place with undercover cops" he said.

Damn, Michael is a drug dealer! What if he's behind all of this? He wouldn't risk my career by keeping drugs in the club.

"They didn't say who?"

"No but that doesn't matter right now. What matters is that you need to go while you can" he said.

"But I'm just becoming something. I can't leave now without all of this magic in the air. Just yesterday, three people asked for my autograph. They recognized me from the club. You see prince, I'm getting noticed by people."

"Anne, is you really about to risk your life over a stupid musician career? You can always come back & work for me. Y'know those producers are still waiting to meet you" he said.

"Prince, I'm happy with my decision. I'm going to stay with the diamonds club & that's final. I'm making way more then I usually make at your club. But I'm not gonna be shady or petty. I hope your new club has more success then the last one."

He shook his head in disappointment "anne mae, your in danger girl."

"Don't be so dramatic prince."

He sighed & walked towards the door. "I just hope you will understand that the diamonds club isn't what you think it is. When the feds come this weekend, I will bail you out. Not for some sympathy but because I'm your only friend."

"Are you done being sentimental?"

"Anne mae, promise me you'll come to me if anything happens?" He said.

"Fine, I promise."

He opened the door & walked out. I rolled my eyes, seriously? The feds raiding the diamonds club this weekend? What kind of lie is that? If he wanted me to come back to his club, he should've begged. My answer will remain the same.


I walked down the cold sidewalk tugging on my purse tightly. I approached the jewelry store & stood in front of the window. Jewelry sitting pretty on the stand for everyone to see. Shining brightly in its glamorous ways. I touched the cold glass window. My mother use to take me here to stare at the shiny jewelry. She would always stare at the beautiful sliver diamond necklace. It costed a lot of money back then but now its way higher. I promise mother that one day i'll get it for her & I kept my promise too.

I walked away from the store & continued my walk. 

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