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Time flew by quickly and before she knew it, weeks had passed and Thanksgiving was right around the corner. It saddened Hermione that she wouldn't be able to spend the holiday with Harry and Ron as she had the previous few years.

Hermione was startled when Ginny zoomed past her on a wooden broom. She was sitting on the bleachers as she watched her friend practice on the Quidditch field with the rest of the team. It was a beautiful Saturday morning and seeing as she had nothing better to do she had decided to spend some time outside to get some fresh air.

A small object appeared in the sky and as it got closer Hermione realized that it was an owl. The small creature approached Hermione and dropped a letter on her lap. "Thank you" she said with a grin as the owl flew off.

Hello Hermione,
We miss you very much. Sorry for not writing to you often as promised. We've been extremely busy, but on the bright side we've taken down two more horcruxes and are about to take down another!
I hope that you and Ginny are doing well. Don't forget that you also have to do your part Mione. And also it would be nice if you responded to Ron, he keeps going on about how you've stopped writing to him for no reason. I have to go now. Take care Mione!

This brought a grand start to Hermione's day. She'd been waiting to hear from Harry from quiet some time now and was beginning to suspect that something horrible had happened to him. She quickly replied to him and then debated on writing to Ron. Might as well get it over with she thought to herself.

Hello Ronald,
I know things have been complicated between us lately but I would like to let you know that I am putting an end to whatever this is. I can't keep dealing with the things you put me through and I would much rather have a peaceful state of mind.
Seeing as Harry doesn't know anything about what we've had going on, I think it'd be best if we kept it that way. For the sake of Harry, let us try be civil so he doesn't suspect a thing. I don't want to put him in a situation in which he would feel uncomfortable.
- Hermione

She folded up the parchment and tucked it in her pocket.

After 15 minutes of watching the witches and wizard zoom around the pitch, they finally came to an end. Ginny approached her friend with a grin plastered on her sweaty face.

"Ginny I mean this in the nicest way possible; you stink" Hermione said with a crinkled nose.

"You think I don't know that already?" she laughed.

The girls walked off the pitch together and headed towards the castle. The grounds were filled with student everywhere trying to take advantage of the nice weather. They walked into the empty halls and made their way toward the Gryffindor common room.

Hermione stopped in her tracks.

"I just remembered that I have to go to the owlery" she told her friend.

"Go on. I'm going to go take a shower and I'll catch up with you afterwards" Ginny replied before walking off.

Hermione walked down the silent halls and made her way towards the owlery. She took out the parchment from her pocket and held between her fingers. I hope he doesn't make a big deal out of this she thought to herself.

She heard the sound of the owls and entered the room. To her surprise she saw the one and only Draco Malfoy. She had some quiet some luck this year seeing as she always happened to run into him.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

Startled, he quickly turned around at the unexpected voice. "I could ask you the same thing."

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