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  Hermione walked into her final class of the day which happened to be Charms with Professor Flitwick. This also happened to be one of the only classes that she did not share with Draco, but luckily she did share it with Harry. This played out perfectly because it meant she could finally talk to him alone.

"Hi Harry" she said cheerily before taking a seat next to him. The potion that she brewed and drank earlier in the day still hadn't lost its effect so she was still in a very good mood.

"Hey Hermione" he replied with a smile. "I see you took the potion we brewed in class today."

"Of course I did, didn't you?"

"Today I just want you to practice nonverbal charms with your partner" Professor Flitwick announced, interrupting their conversation. He then took a seat at his desk and began to read the Daily Prophet, allowing them to work on the assignment alone.

Harry did a simple swish and flick, causing his book to begin levitating a few feet above the desk. He then turned his attention back to Hermione, "Well you see... Ron isn't the best potions partner. I left for five seconds to get castor beans while the potion simmered and I came back to see Ron with dust all over his face while the potion was steaming crimson red smoke. I'm not sure what he did but there was no hope in fixing that potion."

Hermione laughed, "What'd you expect? It's Ron."

"I think he was distracted actually" Harry began. "I don't mean to butt into your business but I heard him yell at you in the Great Hall this morning, why was that?"

Maybe it was because of the potion, no not maybe, it was definitely because of the potion that had put her in such a good mood that she didn't hesitate to tell him anything. "Harry you're my best friend so you have every right to butt into my business. Well you see I liked Ron and I thought he liked me, stuff happened but it didn't work out. We didn't want to tell you unless it was official because it would just complicate things. Anyways, we decided to just keep it as friends but then he save a mark on my neck this morning and completely lost it. Although I don't know why, it's not like he's my boyfriend because Draco is."

The whole time while explaining this, Hermione was casting charms to make paper airplanes fly around. It was once she had finished explaining that she had turned her attention away from the paper airplanes and to Harry. His mouth was slightly open and his brows furrowed, face mixed with emotions including shock, concern, and confusion.

After minutes of just staring at her, he finally said "Hermione... are you sure you brewed that potion correctly?"

"Yes Harry I'm positive. Although I can see why it's such a shock to you; I didn't tell you any of this before because I didn't want you to find out through a silly letter. I figured it'd be best if I told you in person."

Harry sat silent for a few more minutes, trying to piece everything together. "Did you say you and Draco? As in Draco Malfoy?" he asked.

"Yes, he's actually not as bad as he used to be."

Harry continued to stare at his best friend, debating whether he should take her to see Madam Pomfrey or just take her straight to St.Mungos.

Hermione sighed, "I know it's hard to believe but I promise it's true. I think it's better to explain everything when Ron's around, just to make things simpler."

  After staring at her for what felt like half an hour, Harry finally sighed, "Okay I trust you Hermione."

  A huge grin crept onto Hermione's face and before he knew it, Harry was wrapped tightly in her arms. Very tightly.

  "Mione- Too tight" he gasped.

  She quickly pulled away and shot him an apologetic look. "Sorry about that, I guess the potion makes me want to give tighter hugs."

  The two spent the rest of the class practicing whatever silent charms they could think of. To their  luck, Professor Flitwick was very laidback which gave them the opportunity to talk with one another throughout the class. They talked about anything and everything. These were the type of conversations that they both missed; and for a moment they forgot about the Time Turner and Voldemort and everything just felt normal.

"Alright class is dismissed, have a splendid day" announced Professor Flitwick after about half an hour.

Harry and Hermione stood from their seats and walked out the classroom along with the rest of their classmates.

  "What about 7?" asked Hermione.

  "Perfect" replied Harry. "You really are a life saver Hermione."

  Hermione glanced at her best friend and shot him a grin. She walked by his side through the crowded corridor until he suddenly stopped, causing her to stop as well.

  "Hi Harry."

  In front of them stood a raven haired girl that they were both familiar with.

  "Uh.. hey Cho."

  By the tone of his voice along with his dull look on his face, it became quite obvious that Harry felt somewhat uncomfortable.

  Despite the loud chatter of the students around them, there was an awkward silence between the three. Hermione continuously glanced back and forth between the two others who were staring at each other.

  "Is it all right if I talk to you in private?" Cho asked, finally breaking the silence.

  "Oh- right then" Hermione said cautiously. "I'll see you later then Harry."

  As she walked away, Hermione shot Harry a weak grin as if trying to say 'good luck'. He returned the gesture before turning his attention back to Cho, and that was the last thing Hermione saw before turning away and heading the opposite direction.

Like I said, the chapters are going to vary in length; hence why this one is a bit shorter than usual. I've been having a bit of writers block but I'm currently on bed rest so I should have a lot of free time to think and write :)

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