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It was the final day of break before the second term started and the castle was bustling. The courtyard, Great Hall, and even the library seemed to be where all the students were at. Many students were rushing to finish their assignments while others where relaxing as much as they could.

Since they finished their assignments early due to Hermione continuously insisting, Draco and Hermione were among the few students that were enjoying their last day of break. The couple sat in the Astronomy Tower, looking at the beautiful view that lay in front of them. They had met up at the Astronomy Tower so often that it sort of became their default hang out place; it was their spot.

"I'm quite excited for the new term to begin. I just find it so crazy how break went by so fast" Hermione told Draco.

"This break has been eventful, but a lot of good things have come out of it" the platinum haired boy smiled.

"Draco... I've got a question" said Hermione.

"Go on and ask then" he replied.

"What's going to happen with us when the new term begins? Things are going to be different once classes begin and everybody else returns to Hogwarts."

  Draco immediately picked up on what she was trying to say so he took her hand in his, "If you're worried about how people will react, don't. I'm sure everybody knows at this point so all they'll do is stare. And if it makes you happy, we can study and do homework together every day in the library to distract from that."

  Hermione couldn't help but to grin. "Just promise everything will be okay?"

"I promise everything will be okay" he reassured her and then placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

  Ginny sat in the common room with Neville who was helping her finish her herbology essay that she was assigned over break. As usual, Ginny had ignored Hermione and decided to put off her homework to the last minute which she was no regretting. But to her luck, Neville happened to be almost and expert on Herbology and was willing to assist her.

  "Who assigns homework during break? It's supposed to be a time for us to relax" Ginny complained.

  "It's an easy essay though" Neville replied with a shrug.

  Ginny groaned in frustration and leaned back into the couch as she closed her eyes. However her attempt at peace didn't last long as it was quickly interrupted by an owl that she assumed to have flown down from her dormitory window.

  "Didn't your mum just write to you?" Neville asked as he watched the owl drop a piece of parchment onto the red head's lap.

  Ginny sighed and took a look quick look at the writing before suddenly changing her attitude. "It's not from my mum" she said with a grin.

  Neville watched Ginny curiously as she read the letter. He wondered who wrote to her that made her so happy since the only person that he'd ever seen her receive letters from was her mum. After a minute of scanning the paper Ginny looked up and locked eyes with Neville, a big smile beginning to form as she began to jump up and down in her seat in excitement.

  Hermione lay her head on Draco's shoulder as they watched the sunset through the astronomy tower. This had become one of their favorite ways to pass time over winter break. The couple would usually have conversations or read in silence together or have conversations about the books they were reading. It was something that brought peace to each of them in the midst of the craziness at Hogwarts.

Draco's gaze drifted from the sunset in front of them down to the beautiful girl right next to her. She was clueless to the fact that he was observing her gestures closely. Her face was relaxed, which was rare since she was always had something going on in that mind of hers.

After a few moments Hermione felt him staring and slightly turned her head up towards him. Her honey brown eyes met his silver ones and they stared deeply into one another. Neither of the two spoke a word because the tension in the air said enough. They both wanted the same thing.

Draco cupped Hermione's face and quickly pulled her lips close to his, making sure to kiss her with passion. Hermione was taken aback by the suddenness but quickly adjusted and kissed him back fiercely.

Hermione ran her hands through his hair as he intensified the kiss. She felt his hand move down to her neck and she gasped, allowing for his tongue to enter her mouth.

  Wanting to close the gap between them, Draco pulled Hermione by the waist. She got the message and changed her position so that she was now sitting on Draco's lap as they continued to kiss.

  Their kiss was broken but the intensity was still there. Draco took his lips from Hermione's and instead began to trail them down her neck. This feeling was new to Hermione; the feeling of cold, hungry lips on her warm skin.

  "Draco" she half moaned, half gasped with a small smile on her face.

  She felt him begin to focus on only one part of her neck. He nibbled on that one spot knowing that she would enjoy the feeling. He himself also enjoyed it, the taste of her sweet skin on his lips.

  Draco finally pulled away, revealing his red flustered face. Neither of them said anything for a few moments as they both were trying to catch their breath.

  The smile on Draco's face suddenly turned into his signature smirk.

  Hermione tilted her head in confusion, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

  "Accio mirror."

   A small makeup mirror flew into Draco's hand. He turned it towards Hermione so that she could have a look for herself.

  The witch's eyes widened in shock. "Draco Malfoy!" she smacked his arm. "I can not believe you left me a mark!"

  "Did you really think that wasn't going to leave a mark? C'mon now Hermione you're supposed to be the brightest witch of our age" he laughed.

  "This is not funny" she huffed. "Everyone is going to notice it. There has to be a spell of some sort." She began to think hard but quickly realized that no such thing existed so instead tried to think of another solution.

   "You're overreacting Granger" he said flatly whiled rolling his eyes.

  "Or maybe I can use makeup... oh but I don't have any" Hermione continued, completely ignoring what he had said.

  Draco noticed that this thing that he thought to be so insignificant was actually causing her to worry. "There's nothing to worry about Hermione, it's just a small mark and it'll go away soon" he told her in a reassuring tone.

  The frantic look on Hermione's face went away and she instead pursed her lips. She was quiet as she took a few moments to consider what he had said.

"As long as Professor McGonagall doesn't see it, I guess I'll be fine" she said, finally lightening up. "Now let's get back to our dormitories, it's almost past curfew."

  "Goodnight love" said Draco before tilting his head down to give Hermione a peck on the lips.

  "Oh young love... such a beautiful thing" the Fat Lady said in awe.

  Hermione giggled at the comment before making her way through the portrait hole. To her surprise, the common room was empty so she headed straight to her dormitory.

  "Hermione, you're finally here" said a delighted Ginny when she heard the door open. "You'll never guess- Bloody Hell."

  Ginny stared at her friend who stood still in the doorway, or more like stared at her neck. She patted the edge of her bed and motioned for Hermione to sit next to her. She did so and her face began to turn a shade of red that was brighter than her friend's hair.

  With a huge grin plastered on her face, Ginny said "I need all the details."

We're almost at 1k reads wtff😭 thank you guys for all the support on this story, ily all and I promise I have good stuff coming up :)

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