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  Draco casually put his arm around Hermione as they walked down the corridor. 

  "Are you sure this isn't some kind of trick?" he asked.

  "Knowing them I wouldn't be surprised if it was, but they seem genuine" she replied without looking up from her book.

  "It just feels strange; knowing I'll have to be civil with Weasley and Potter. I mean we've hated each other since first year."

  "It'll all work out fine, don't worry" Hermione reassured him.

  "And have they said anything yet about- Ow! Bloody hell women what was that for?" he exclaimed while looking at the spot on his chest where she had smacked him.

  "Ginny's coming so don't mention it, I don't want to involve her and make her worry" she told him.

  Before he could say anything, they were both being greeted by the red head. "Hey guys, mind if I hangout with you?"

  "Of course not" said Hermione. "We were just about to meet Blaise in the courtyard."

  Ginny trailed along the couple, unbothered by the fact that she was third wheeling.

They quickly spotted Blaise since his tall figure stood out from the rest of the students. He was at their usual spot in the court yard, leaning against the stone wall while he played around with a few charms.

When he heard them approaching, Blaise looked towards their direction and a smirk formed on his face.

"Enjoy the threesome?"

Although they were used to his dirty jokes, the girls were still caught by surprised and looked at him in shock and disgust.

Hermione quickly gathered herself and said "Just because there are three people walking around together does not mean they are having a threesome. For the past six years Harry, Ron, and I have been inseparable and we do not do anything of that sort."

Blaise raised his eyebrows in amusement and turned his attention to Draco. "Looks like I owe Bulstrode 50 galleons."

"What?" Hermione asked clearly confused as she looked back and forth between the two Slytherins who shared the same smug look.

"Back in fourth year, there was talk going around about whether the oh so perfect golden trio had had a threesome" Blaise began explaining.

"So you made a bet?" Hermione asked flatly.

"Everybody made bets. I was certain that it happened. I mean the three of you are practically attached to the hip."

"Because we're best friends."

"Yea yea, that's what Millicent said. Looks like she was right so I have pay up" he sighed. "At least I'm not the only one. The majority of the people in the common room that night are going to have to pay up as well."

  Hermione looked at Draco absurdly, "You were in on this?"

  "No, no I swear" he quickly began to defend himself. "I knew about it, the whole house did, but I never placed any bets. I found the whole thing quite ridiculous."

  She narrowed her brown eyes at him then shifted her gaze to Blaise, asking for confirmation. He was a bit frightened by her quick change in behavior and quickly nodded his head instead of speaking up. Hermione shook her head and rubbed her temples. "I don't know what it is with you Slytherins" she muttered under her breath.

  "Wait til Harry and Ron hear about this one" Ginny said, clearly amused.

  As if on cue, they heard Ron's voice from a few feet away. "Hear about what?" he asked.

Time Turner (dramione)Where stories live. Discover now