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Hermione hummed as she read her book. The book she was reading was a new one: Great Wizarding Events of the Twentieth Century. She had the book in one hand while her other was running through Draco's hair as he slept peacefully with his head on her lap.

She took a glance at the old clock on the wall and realized how late it had gotten. After the wild party last night, the two were exhausted and decided to spend the rest of the day relaxing in the Room of Requirement.

Hermione lightly shook the pale boy in attempt to wake him up. "Draco" she whispered into his ear. His eyes began fluttered open and he groaned.

  Hermione chuckled; "let's go down to the Great Hall, it's time for dinner" she told him.

"Can't we just stay here" he whined.

As if on cue, his stomach let out a growl as soon as those words left his mouth, causing Hermione to laugh. "It seems to me like you're hungry and it would be rude of me to let you starve."

Hermione placed a quick kiss on his lips before getting up from the couch and holding out her hand which Draco gladly took. But instead of getting up with her he pulled her towards him, causing her to land on top of his chest and laugh.

  Her laughter quickly stopped once she looked into his eyes. His soft grey eyes were staring into hers with a mixture of love and lust. This intense look caused her heart to race and her breath to hitch. The only other time she'd felt like this was when she was with Viktor Krum at the Yule Ball but the feeling was nowhere near as intense.

  Draco placed his pale fingers on her chin and slowly pulled her into a kiss. He craved her sweet lips and so the slow kiss quickly turned into one filled with passion. Hermione's hands roamed his chest while his roamed her hair and back.

Draco took his lips off hers and instead placed them on her chin then began slowly trailing down her neck. The sudden feel on her neck caught Hermione by surprise but she enjoyed it.

  "Draco" she sighed in low voice with a slight smile.

  This feeling was something new to Hermione. Her and Ron tried to get intimate a few times but it never felt right; it never felt like this. With Draco everything felt heavenly and she craved his touch.

  Draco pulled away from her neck and looked up at Hermione with a smile. Although it wasn't much, it was the most intimate they had been yet at this point and it felt amazing on both ends.

  "Well we should get going to dinner now before Ginny begins to worry" Hermione smiled before pushing herself off of Draco.

  "You might want to tidy up a bit before we go" he smirked, gesturing towards her tangled hair.

  Hermione felt her cheeks heat up from embarrassment. "Oh right" she said as she took out her wand and gave it a flick, resulting in her hair to be good as new.

The couple took their belongings and left the Room of Requirement. Draco put his arm over Hermione's shoulder and they walked the halls together towards the Great Hall.

  Once they arrived, Hermione urged the Slytherin to sit with her at the Gryffindor table.

  "I always sit with you at the Slytherin table so now it's your turn to sit with me at my table" she argued.

  "For Merlin's sake, they don't even like me" he complained.

  "Draco quit being such a brat." And with that she dragged him to her usual spot at the Gryffindor table.

  They received many glares and whispers from nearby students which caused Draco to feel anxious, but he hid it perfectly well with his cold front as he always did. For the most part he was treated with respect due to his family, but the few times like this when he felt belittled, he reminded himself to keep his head high like his father taught him.

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