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"Happy Christmas Hermione!" shouted a cheery voice.

A thud landed on the end of her bed causing the sleepy witch to groan. "Ginny don't you think it's a bit too early?" she mumbled without bothering to open her eyes.

"Hermione it's the bestest day of the year, it's never too early" she stated before adding, "Plus you wake up early every day for classes and you never hear me complain about it."

Hermione pulled her blanket off of her face, causing the winter coldness to hit her. "Ginny you complain every single morning" she responded with her eyes narrowed.

"Oh stop being such a Grinch and get-" the talkative girl was cut off by a pillow hitting her face, followed by the laughter of her roommate.

  "That's it. No hot chocolate for you" Ginny huffed.

  "Wait no, I want hot chocolate" Hermione pleaded to her friend. 

  "Only if you hurry on and get out of bed."

  With that simple sentence, Hermione threw her warm blankets off of her body and jumped out of her bed. Her body was indulged in the cold but the feeling was overrode by excitement.

  Ginny took Hermione's hand and led her to the beautifully decorated common room. The girls sat near the lit fire place that heated up the empty room. Just like every other year, most of their fellow Gryffindors had gone home for the holidays. This year however, Hermione decided to stay at Hogwarts in hopes that Harry and Ron would arrive at any given moment. When Ginny found out about this she instantly wrote to her mum that she wouldn't return home because she didn't want to leave her friend alone; and of course she understood.

"Let's begin to open gifts" Ginny suggested with excitement. The enthusiastic girl set aside her mug of hot chocolate and got up to retrieve a few packages from underneath the small Christmas tree.

She smiled as she handed Hermione a package that was poorly wrapped in red paper. "Go on and open it" she said. Hermione carefully removed the paper, not sure what to expect.

"Wow Ginny I love it" said Hermione before giving her friend a quick hug. In package was a luxury eagle-feathered quill that she couldn't wait to put into use. Alongside that were a few cauldron-cakes, which Ginny knew happened to be one of Hermione's favorite treats.

"Okay now your turn" Hermione said while clapping her hands excitedly. She handed Ginny a small box that was neatly wrapped in pink paper. Ginny eagerly unwrapped her gift, causing Hermione to feel a bit nervous.

"You see, I don't know much about Quidditch so I asked the shop owner what would be a great gift and this is what he recommended. If you don't like it then I can go return it or-" her rambling came to an abrupt stop when she realized that her friend was struggling to control her laughter. "Hermione, it's an amazing gift. Thank you" she said sincerely with her brand new broom compass in hand.

  Hermione waved her wand around, picking up the mess of wrapping paper that was scattered on the ground. The two girls sat in front of the fire for half an hour before the other Gryffindors began to wake up.

  "Let's go down to breakfast now that everybody's up" Ginny suggested while placing a hand on her stomach and adding, "I'm starving."

  Hermione chuckled, "All right then, let's get going."

  "So what are the plans for today?" Ginny asked as they strolled down the halls.

  "Oh I forgot to tell you; I'm going to be with Draco most of the day" she said as she began to develop a sense of guilt. "But I don't want to leave you alone today so you can join us."

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