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  Hermione woke up in a great mood. It was the first day of studies and she couldn't be any more excited. She had done some studying the night before because she couldn't fall asleep due to her excitement. She was determined to be top of her class again. Although she did have an unfair advantage that nobody knew about: she had already taken these classes and now was retaking them due to the fact that she used the Time Turner. It didn't bother her that she had to repeat the courses, in fact she was looking forward to it. Nothing could ruin her day.

She quickly got out of bed and started to get ready for the day. As she tried to tame her messy hair she heard her roommate start to wake up behind her.

"It's too early for you to be having this much energy Hermione" Ginny groaned.

"Well good morning to you too" she replied with a smile. "And of course I'm going to have energy, it's the first day of studies! I can't wait for- Ow!" A pillow had hit her in the back of the head.

"Don't bore me with talk about studies when we haven't even started yet. Now if you don't mind I'm going to go back to sleep for five more minutes."

Hermione rolled her eyes at her grumpy friend. 'How can she not be excited?' she thought to herself as she finished fixing her hair.

She looked into the mirror and smiled at her reflection. Her uniform was brand new and looked good on her. Her hair didn't look as bushy as it usually did. Her face was beaming and she felt prepared for the day.

"Let's go down to breakfast" Ginny said as she put on her shoes.

"Well you got ready quick" Hermione said with surprise. She should've expected for her friend to be able to get ready quicker though. After all, Ginny was naturally pretty and had hair that always looked perfect, unlike Hermione who took at least half an hour trying to tame hers.

The girls headed out their dorm and made their way towards the Great Hall for breakfast.

"Crap I forgot my potions book" Ginny mumbled. "Wait for me here, I'll catch up to you."

Hermione waited in the hall which was slowly becoming more empty with the more time that passed. As she was waiting she heard a familiar voice. A quiet annoying one if she may add.

"I miss your lovely hair, your warm eyes, your beautiful smile, and just your presence overall. I look forward to returning to Hogwarts and seeing you soon. Love, Ron" said Lavender's voice.

"Wow Lav, he really loves you. You guys really are soul mates" her friend giggled.

Hermione's face heated up with anger and tears started to form. Those were the exact words that Ron had written to Hermione that day prior. Her fists clenched at the thought of seeing him. She waited until the halls were empty to let it out.


"Well Granger I didn't know you hated me that much."

Embarrassment flooded throughout her body when she heard the familiar voice. She awkwardly turned around to face the one and only Draco Malfoy with his famous smirk plastered on his face.

"Oh um you weren't meant to hear that. I thought the hall was empty" she explained sheepishly.

"Well you're looking at my ugly pale face so go on and hex me like you said you would" he said amused.

"I wasn't talking about you moron" she replied with her arms crossed.

"Makes sense. Although it is true that my face is pale, it is most definitely not ugly. In fact many people would say it's quiet attractive" he said with a smirk.

Time Turner (dramione)Where stories live. Discover now