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"Although I've never liked your family much, I have to admit the twins are some great jokesters" said Draco.

"I completely agree with him" added Blaise.

Ginny rolled her eyes, "If you two would have come to your senses earlier then I'm sure you would've been great friends with them."

Hermione's brown eyes suddenly lit up. This caused Ginny and Draco to raise their eyebrows in curiosity because they both knew this meant that she thought of an idea.

  "Actually, you two should come hang out with us during the holidays; it would be fun" she grinned.

The two Slytherins exchanged glances before looking between the two girls.

"Are you sure that's the best idea? After all the Weasley's hate us, especially Draco" said Blaise.

"The only one that'd be stubborn is Ron but he'll come around. Other than him, my family would welcome you since you're my friends" Ginny said casually.

"As long as you two promise to behave. And that means no longer acting like a snobby little brat" Hermione directed the last part at Draco.

  In response to the accusation, Draco wore an averse expression on his face. "I am not a snobby brat" he defended himself.

  Hermione tilted her head and raised her eyebrows, giving him a look that said 'are you sure about that?'

The blond rolled his eyes and put his hands up in surrender. "Okay maybe I can be a bit of a snob sometimes. But I promise to get along with everybody" he said.

"It's settled then, we'll all hang out during the holidays" Hermione said with a smile.

"I have a feeling they'll get along just well with Fred and George" Ginny told Hermione.

"I want to see what pranks and inventions they're up to" said Blaise with a grin.

  Fred and George were well known at Hogwarts for their inventions and pranks; especially the one during the OWLs the previous year. Everybody loved and admired the jokesters, even the Slytherins who disliked almost every Gryffindor. And with word going around about Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, everybody was anticipating what new products the jokesters would come up with.

"They'll proudly show you" Ginny laughed. She was certain they would because the twins showed their product prototypes to everybody they could in order to impress them and also use the person as a test subject.

Draco put his arm around Hermione while she snuggled close to his chest. "I do hope your friends are okay with me" he whispered.

"The Weasley's are the nicest people you'll ever meet; they'll put the past aside and will gladly get to know you. And as for Harry and Ron, they're my best friends. I'm certain they'll throw a fit but they'll come around eventually" she told him.

"Do they know yet?" he asked her.

"It's something that I'd prefer to tell them in person" Hermione replied.

"That's understandable, if it's what you feel most comfortable with then that's what you should do" he said before placing a kiss on her warm forehead.

The couple stayed in that position while Ginny and Blaise sat across from them and engaged in a conversation about brooms. They were each discussing which broom they wanted to get for the upcoming Quidditch season. Ginny was explaining why she wanted the Nimbus 2000 while Blaise argued that Comet 290 was more efficient. Hermione, however, didn't pay much attention and decided to tune out their conversation since all brooms were the same to her.

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