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Hermione analyzed her reflection in the mirror. Something was off. She realized she had a bright red pimple on her chin and with the flick of her wand it was gone. She smiled with satisfaction before turning to walk out of her dormitory, leaving a snoring Ginny alone.

  As she passed through the common room she took notice as to how cozy it felt. It was noon and there were quiet a few students chatting in groups, making the room feel alive. The room was filled with warmth thanks to the flames emitted by the fireplace. Oh how she loved her common room and wished she could stay there forever but she had better things to do.

She navigated her ways through the familiar halls with a small smile that she couldn't hide. She was on her way to meet up with Draco once again. They had been spending a great amount of time together recently since they had nothing better to do during the break.

She took a seat on a bench in the courtyard and began to scan her surroundings. I should've brought a book to read meanwhile I wait she thought to herself. She sighed and began to kick her feet like a child while she got lost in her thoughts.

You don't have much time, you have to stop him soon.

I know I know, but I just don't know how to approach it.

Just try to catch him in the act and hex him.

The bickering between her thoughts came to a sudden end when she heard the footsteps approaching. She quickly snapped her head up to see the same platinum blond boy approaching.

As he neared her, she was able to inspect his features better and frowned. Everyday that she saw him he got thinner, his face paler, and his eyes appeared more tired. They were gradual changes but it hurt Hermione to see him look so sick.

"Draco you've been looking worse everyday" she said with a frown as she stood in front of him.

"Why hello to you too" he said. "And I have no idea what you're talking about, I look just as hot as I do every other day" he said with a smirk plastered on his deprived face.

"I'm being serious Draco, you look ill. What's wrong?" she asked as she took his hand in hers. She looked into his eyes with concern. Although he acted like his normal egoistic self, his eyes showed that he was hurting on the inside.

"It's nothing Hermione, I promise. I'm alive and here with you right now so that's all that matters" he told her reassuringly while looking into her eyes.

Hermione held back from pushing the subject further and instead just said "I'll take your word, but you have to tell me when something is bothering you okay?"

Draco took into consideration what she said. He wasn't the type of person to express his hardships, he would rather just put up a cold front. He didn't want to agree to tell her when something was bothering him because it would mean having to express his current situation and he didn't want to worry Hermione. "Granger, the only thing bothering me is how stubborn you're being" he joked. "Now let's actually have some fun instead of just sulking around" he said before she could push the subject any further.

It was obvious that Hermione didn't believe the act he was putting on. However, she didn't want to push his boundaries and upset him so she decided to just let it go and wait until he was ready to tell her.

Draco dropped to his knees on the snow right in front of the witch. "What are you-" before she got the chance to finish her sentence, he grabbed her arm and quickly pulled her down right next to him.

"We're building a snowman" he grinned. He took out his wand and waved it around, causing snow to form into spheres and float in the air.

"No no no, you're doing it all wrong" Hermione objected, earning a confused look from him. "If we're going to build a snowman, we're going to do it the right way. That means no magic."

Time Turner (dramione)Where stories live. Discover now