Chapter 15

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I felt the cold sea breeze and the heat of the sun over my body, before opening my eyes. When I open them I was in his car on the beach alone, my clothes were changed into a white Capri and cool casual top. I looked around and saw a huge yacht but got no signs of him. On my left there was a huge beach house with those beach canopies and chairs it feels different, the place was different as we are on an island. I saw Ray Ban shades on the dash board with a red rose and a note of "Surprise" under it.

Firstly I was shocked of waking up on a beach in a car but then, I felt good. I found my slipper right by my feet but I ignore them and step out of the car without hesitation. My feet dig into the soft sand and my hairs were flowing in the air.

I was hypnotized by the view and started to walk towards the sea. I could feel the water under my feet. I close my eyes and took a deep breath in the fresh air.

Then I feel him, his scent and warmth of his presence. He put his chin on my shoulder and holds me around my waist. I didn't respond to his touch because I was mesmerized by the view and now I'm kind of used to his touch. The wind was cool but his presence and his touch was warmer then the sun. We stood silently on the beach for a few minutes then he spoke.

"How do feel now? Did you like my surprise?" He firms his grip on my waist and I took a deep nervous breath in.

"I love it!" I said.

I continued to speak after a minute, "But where are we? I've never seen this place, it seems different here."

"We are on an island, I own this place. We are almost 8 kilometers away from Karachi's original beach." He speaks.

I spun around and almost shouted, "What the f***!!! You own an island."

He nodded with a smirk.

I turn towards the yacht and took few steps ahead and spoke, "I didn't know my husband is a billionaires, that he could have his own island or something. Is this yours?" I pointed towards the yacht and turn to face him for the answer but he was frozen right there.

The reaction was unusual. Instead of answering me he was smiling like a fool. So I asked him furiously, "What!! Why are you smiling like that?"

I felt weird when he smiles like that.

"You just called me your husband" He said this with satisfaction in his eyes and I can see that victory expression on his face at that moment. Again my world freezes there, and I don't know what to say.

"Wait!!! What!!! Ahhh I dun no Oh SHIT..." I blurted out then I turn and walked away.

Oh shit! Am I stupid or what, I said this to myself. I continued to walk on the beach and he went inside the beach house. After 30 minutes he reappears with his regular smile and signaled me to get into the house. I fetch my slippers from the car and ran towards him then followed him into the house. When I get in I saw a huge living area with an open kitchen and a dining table. There were stairs on the right because I didn't see any rooms here so definitely the rooms should be upstairs.

"Sunshine! You should eat something. Here I made you some breakfast." He offered me plate full pancakes and whipped cream and pointed towards the dining table.

"You're not eating?" I asked him when I see only one plate.

"I'll eat later", he replied sipping his coffee.

"We can share if you want; I can't eat this alone it's too much for me." I offered him genuinely.

He nodded and sat next to me and started eating. I watched him eating and understood immediately that he didn't eat since last night. He was hungry but waiting for me to eat first.

I keep looking at him and stopped eating, I feel an unusual pain in my heart and felt heavy. After a moment tears roll down on my cheeks but I didn't wipe them. I could watch him like that forever.

He stopped eating and turn to say something, I quickly wipe my tears and looked away.

I clear my throat and asked him, "When did you eat last time?"

He looked down and replied, "I don't remember."

I stood up and walk towards the stairs and asked him, "How did you do all this?"

"Well I didn't do much, I called my staff they did all the arrangements here, Miss Rosie packed our stuff, I carried you to the car, drove to the dockyard, parked our car in the yacht and came here with you."

"And my clothes" I asked him without looking at him.

He smirks and replied," Well I have to change them because Rosie was busy packing our stuff."

"Yeah yeah how helpful." I blush saying that.

I was actually flirting with him that does'nt make any sense because I've never done this before. Arsal was my best friend except from him I've never talked to a guy. I used to ran away in college if a guy tries to talk to me. I started caring about him and that was weird. Nabeel was doing so much for me, nobody ever did this for me I feel special when he's around.

I quickly finished my breakfast and stood up to go to the beach but he stopped me.

"Hey! where are you going?" He asked.

"To the beach." I replied.

"No no no no first I wanna show you something." He stood up like a child who wants to show his new toy.

Okay okay what's the rush, I'll go with you after a quick walk." I said.

"No, first you are gonna come with me." He ordered.

"Okay!" I make a funny face.

"Let's go upstairs." He holds my hand and pulled me towards the him.

We went upstairs and there was a room, I was surprised to see that room it was beautiful. There was a huge glass wall from which you can see the view outside and the whole room was decorated with the most sleek and stylish furniture I've ever seen. The colour combination of the was white and fluorescent yellow. The room was sunny and the curtain were white perfect arrangement. After the glass wall there was a terrace and there was a huge round bed like swing which I love the most.

"I love this place." I said that with a bright smile.

"I know that you're gonna love it. That's why this is a gift for you." He said.

"No way I can't accept it." I almost faint to hear this. I can't even imagine that someone will gift me a whole freaking island that's too much for me.

"No, worries you can have it after your decision." He said this without looking at me and I felt heavy.

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