Chapter 19

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It's been a month and I'm still stuck in that moment where she left me. She took my heart, my breath, even my life with her. She left with tears in her eyes and that makes me feel bad, I don't know why but something was wrong with her.

I'm still confused why she was so shocked when I set her free, I mean that's what she wanted right me gone but she wasn't happy to leave. Her mother pulled her out of the house as if she wasn't able to move. She was frozen on her place like a statue.

I need to know why she was crying, why she wanted to hold my hand, why she turned to see the house like she never wanted to leave it and why there was so much hope and pain in her eyes.

Everything is incomplete without her I changed my lifestyle completely; I lost my appetite, I barely eat. I work from home and didn't even attend a single board meeting in a month. I shifted into the guest room, and left the master bed which me and Areesha used to share.

The day she left I locked our room. I wanted to preserve everything the way she left, wrinkles on the bed sheet, her unfinished book, her clothes, her left over water, her hair brush even the scent of her perfume is still there. I spend one hour in that room everyday and try to feel her presence.

I miss her every second every minute every hour of the day. I spend most of my day in the library reading Areesha's favorite books or in the garden. Gardening and reading makes me feel good, it feels like I'm with her.

I planted some more roses in the garden because of Areesha she love roses, she used to pluck them in the morning and place them on our breakfast table. She is a nature loving person and this garden was her favorite place.

It was raining outside after a month and I was admiring the cloudy weather from my window. I was about to sip my coffee when my phone rings. The number was familiar, it was Areesha's father.

I almost jumped in excitement, I thought Areesha would be on another side but she wasn't there. Her father was on the call, I greeted him but he didn't greeted me back he just said something horrible and hung up.

I felt a little dizzy and step backwards to hold onto the chair. My whole world seems to be finished right that moment. Areesha's father asked me to send the divorce papers as soon as possible and he told me that it's Areesha's wish.

That was her final decision, that's what she wanted to tell me when she was leaving. She wanted a life without me and I'll give her that life.

I called my lawyer and ordered him to bring the divorce papers. My lawyer brought those life taking papers to me. I decided to give that beach house and a monthly allowance to her in alumni, I wanted her to live a luxurious life. I know she wouldn't touch that money but for my personal satisfaction I added these clauses in the divorce papers.

I didn't sign those papers at first, I wanted her to sign them first. I just write a note which was;

"Dearest wife,

I want you to know that I love you and always will. I assume that this is your final decision and I respect it. Please accept this beach house and this monthly allowance as my token of love or as my apology.

Your husband Nabeel"

I attached the note with the papers and handed them to my loyal driver and send him to Areesha's place. I asked him to call me if she signed them.


I came to my house with heavy heart and tears in my eyes. Sunenan was there to rescue me from all the questions which everyone was firing in my direction, she hugged me and took me to my room. My room wasn't change a bit, everything was on its place.

I was lost completely, I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes for awhile, then I heard a similar voice.


I opened up my eyes and turned to face the similar person. It was my best friend Arsal.

"Arsal!" I almost shouted in amazement. I ran towards him and hugged him tight, I cried alot in his arms. I needed my friend that moment and he was there with me.

I missed him like hell, he's the only person who knows everything about me. He can read my face expression and tell you the exact problem.

Sunenan left us to chat and closed the door for some privacy. He makes me sit on my couch and kneel down in front of me.

"I know something is bothering you, please try to tell me." He asked me and look into my eyes.

I didn't answer him just shook my head and continue to cry.

"Okay, you can have all the time in this world to tell me the exact problem but please for my sake stop crying. " he tried to calm down my nerve wracking pain and anger.

I didn't speak to anyone almost a week. Barely came out my room and didn't eat properly. My parents were very disturbed with my behavior, they asked Arsal and Sunenan to make me happy but that didn't work on me.

My mom asked me to tie my hairs but I didn't obey her. I like to left my hairs untie. I spend my days peeking out of the window to see if Nabeel was there watching me from outside but he didn't show up since I left. He didn't even call me once. How rude!

I was getting weak day by day. I felt like puking all the time, I vomited my food several times in a day. This happened to me once when I was in Nabeel's house but this time it is worst from the last time.

I decided to consult our family doctor for this problem. I asked Sunenan to come along with me, I don't want to take mom with me she overreacts sometimes.

I visit my family doctor Arfa, she's a general physician and a really nice person. I asked Sunenan to wait for me in the car and I went inside the clinic alone.

Dr Arfa knew about everything so she didn't asked anything about my disappearance. She took some blood samples and took me to the ultrasound room, she asked me to lie down on the bench and rub some kind of a probe on my belly.

She seems tensed about something so I asked her, "Everything's okay doctor?"

"I don't know if it is a bad or a good news for you but my dear you are pregnant." She said that with a slight smile.

"Wh wh what! Are you sure doctor?" I was shocked.

"Yes my dear I'm hundred percent sure. Here!" She pointed on the screen with her finger, "This blinking dot is your baby."

Omg it's true I'm pregnant!!!

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