Chapter 21

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Family makes you wealthy, if you have everything but your family is not with you to cherish those luxuries you are the most unlucky person alive...

I can't live without her, I can't even see those divorce papers which Areesha would be signing right now. I now stand here and see my future ahead and it's dark because I lost my sunshine.That moment I felt weak , I covered my face with my hands and groaned with anger and pain. I knelt down in front of Areesha's picture in our room and started crying like a baby.

I didn't even shed a single tear at my parent's funeral, I'm a strong person though. I thought I could control my emotions but when it's about Areesha I couldn't control anything my anger, my tears, even my heartbeat. I just lost my will when it's about her.

I cried a lot and then decided to leave everything and and go to my farmhouse, I need sometime to coop. My father built that farmhouse when me and my sister were kids, we use to spend our weekends there. Whenever I miss my parent's and my sister whose happily married I go there and spend some quality time in the stable with my horses.

I told Mrs. Rosie that I'm leaving for farm house and asked her to pack my stuff and send it later. Mrs. Rosie asked me to stay for awhile and wait for Areesha's decision but I just shook my head and left before saying anything to her.

Poor Mrs. Rosie she still thinks that Areesha will come back to me but my last hope ended with her father's call.

My farmhouse is not too far from the house it took almost 15 minutes to reach there but I'm not in a mood to drive fast so I took the longest route and drove my car very slow.

After the drive of almost 35 minutes I reached there. Caretaker of my farmhouse stunned to see me after 3 months, last time I came here when I got into the fight with Rashk it took almost a day to calm my nerves.

I ordered my servants to leave me alone and headed towards my parent's room straight, I crawled on their bed and sobbed. I will never be able to forget Areesha, it will take a lifetime to forget her innocent face, her intense eyes, her long and shiny hair, her soft hands, her scent and most all her compromising nature.

Her absence makes me love her more, the feeling inside me grows intense and it gets permanent day by day. How can I ever be fine without the only love of my life.

I know what will help me.

I decided to call my sister Aashi.

"Hey bro, How are you?" Aashi's voice always makes me feel good though we don't talk to each other much but yeah nothing is important than your blood relation.

"I'm fine finchie, just missing you." I tried to control my voice.

"You sound weird brother you never miss your elder sister." Me and my sister are very different from each other she's older than me and her first priority was her own life since we were kids. In short, we don't interfere into each other's life but at the end of the day we love each other a lot and that's what matters the most.

"Actually I was missing mom and dad so I called you." I changed the topic.

"Awww Nabeel I miss them too, but at some point of time we need to move on we can't live in our past." she stopped for a while and speak again, " Okay tell me how's your wife? Is she around? I wanted to talk to her, You never let me talk to her." She was right I didn't let her talk to Areesha, I want to settle things first between us and then I will let Areesha talk to my sister.

"No, she's not around she's at her parent's." I lied.

"Okay, I have a good news I'm coming next month." She cancelled her trip last month because of her husband, Aashi's husband Adam is a doctor and a very busy doctor.

"Oh great then I'll see you soon." I smiled.

"Okay brother gotta go have some work to do, you take care of yourself. BYE!!!" she hung up the call.

I stood up from the bed and walk to my father's bed side drawer, took out my father's gun and walk out of the room. I walk out of the room and headed towards the terrace in my way I saw Areesha standing in between but it was just my hallucination, it happened several times until I was on the edge of the balcony. I pointed the gun on my forehead between my eyes and put my finger on the trigger and closed my eyes.

Everything was fine when you were here;

Everything seemed perfect when you were here,

Stars were shiny,moon was bright,

Without you my sunshine I think I'm gonna die...

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