Chapter four

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"OK and what is you're condition." He asked. "I need to see my family." I replied without turning back.

I heard him calling someone on the phone and I turned to face him. He was saying, "I need some recent photos. Do you have some?" He paused and looked at me then said, "OK send them as soon as you can."

He ended the call and went out of the room, he came back with my breakfast. "I told you I'm not gonna eat anything. I need to see my family first."

He sat down on the sofa and started to arranging the food on the centre table without saying anything. I rushed to the sofa angrily and shouted, "Don't you get it I'm saying something, I want to see my family."

His phone rings he looked into his phone and smile then stood up and walk towards me and threatened me, "If you'll eat properly three times a day I will let you see you're family. But if you disobey me I promise you will never see your family again."

I promised him and he showed me the recent photographs and videos of my family. I could see that they were very sad and my mom she would be shattered because I am her only daughter and she loves me. They didn't even know that I was kidnapped and married forcefully.

I started crying and saw those pictures again and again. When I was crying I looked at him and he was watching me intensely I can't explain what happens to me when he sees me like this. Standing there looking at me, he was looking very handsome.

I was looking into his intense green eyes and soon I forgot everything and hypnotized by his eyes. After a moment I realized that what the hell I was doing and looked away.

He asked me to sit and I sat down on the couch, then he took his cell phone from my hand and ordered me to eat the breakfast it was a lavish breakfast but my appetite was not good so ate only two pieces of toast with butter while I was eating he constantly keep looking at me and his gaze makes me feel numb.

I stop eating and walk to the window again, "I think you like to see the sky. Am I right?" He said. I didn't reply just nodded.

He came to me with a glass of juice and said, "I love you!"

"And I hate you!" I replied him with no shame.

He smiles and breaks the glass in his own hand. I shouted "What did you do? Are you mad or what?"

He was bleeding and I was completely shocked. I quickly grab his hand and pulled him into the bathroom then wash his hand, pieces of glass were washed out but bleeding was out of control.

I wrapped the towel in his hand take him out of the bathroom and make him sit on the bed then asked him to call someone for the first aid box. He calls his servant and after few minutes the servant came up with the first aid box.

When I was in school in tenth grade we went to a hospital and there we took some classes about how to bandage , how to inject someone or to do the stitches. I was good at it I always wanted to be a doctor but in the end I changed my mind and choose arts and teaching as my career.

I thoroughly examined his wound and it was clear no pieces of glass left. The cut was not big enough to be stitched so I bandaged it well.

He was smiling at me like a fool, it irritated me so I asked him, "Why the hell are you smiling?

"I am smiling because of you, you touched me for first time." He said showing my hand on his hand.

"That ain't no joke you just cut your hand when I said I hate you. Don't do that again you can't blackmail me like that." I said and removed my hand from his hand.

He continued to smile and said, "Come I'll show you around." He holds my hand and we started walking. When we came out of the bedroom I thought that I could pull my hand from his hand but then I remember his words that "Never ever do that" so I changed my mind and kept walking.

As I mentioned it before that the house was huge, fancy and well decorated he started telling me about the house. My room was on the first floor and the last one on the right side of bedroom there was a terrace I liked that place. Then he showed me the rest of rooms and those were; Movie room, a library and the guest's room which was familiar to me.

Then we came downstairs and he shows me the dining area and the kitchen I must say it was a huge kitchen then he showed me his conference room he must be businessman or something like that. He took me in his garden and it was beautiful, there was a swimming pool and a breakfast table and in the center of the garden there was canopy with seating arrangements. There were roses in all colours all around the garden.

I took my heels off and walked into the garden while he was away. He didn't tell me that where was he going he told me to stay in the garden and went inside the house.

I walk to the canopy, sit on a relaxing chair and closed my eyes I started thinking about the house and thought that I always wished of this kind of a house but not like this.

"Hey sleepy head" he interrupted my thoughts. I opened my eyes and he was there with of course a glass of juice. He asked me to drink it. I took the glass and sip the juice it was fresh and nice so I drank it.

"You look pale and I know that's because of me so I am trying to make it up to you. At least this juice will help you to stay healthy" He said.

"I wanna ask something, Am I allowed?" I asked him I can't hide sarcasm in my tone.

He smiles and replied, " You can ask anything you want sunshine and you are allowed to do anything you want to do in this house."

"Why do you love me? I've never seen you before. Have we met before?" I asked him curiously.

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