Chapter 10

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"And then after the movie it was like, 11:30 by time we got back here so I bid him goodnight and gave him a kiss on the cheek and went to bed! Best night of my life!" Holly spilled, flopping onto my bed as though she was out of energy. 

We had just finished talking about our dates to each other and were now, lounging around my room waiting for Perrie to arrive so we could go shopping. 

We woke up earlier this morning, probably due to the fact that we just wanted to tell each other about our dates. 

Everyone was starting to know who Holly and I were. I had been photographed at the movie premiere a few weeks ago and the boys had subtly brought me up in an interview whereas Holly had hit the twitterverse the previous night with speculation about Louis taking her to a late night movie. 

With this now being the case, we had to take a little more care, in what we wore out and about. This morning I had a quick check on the standard iPhone weather system to discover today was going to be around 30 degrees which in my opinion was a perfect temperature. 

I settled with wearing a pair of washed out denim shorts, a thick strapped white singlet top and I also wore a light, flowing cardigan, which reached my mid thigh. 

"Holly, it's nearly 10. Are you ready to head downstairs?" 

"Yeah, hold on though I just have to grab a few things from my room" She replied before belting out of the room into hers. 

"I thought I told you to be ready earlier!" I yell from my bed hoping it'll reach her ears. 

"Yeah yeah, I know!" Holly yelled back. 

I chuckled to myself before walking downstairs into the kitchen, my tan bag hung over my shoulder. Most of the boys had only just woken up so they were all situated around the table. 

"Hey boys!" I sing to the boys in a cheery tone. 

"Someone's in a good mood this morning." Zayn said with his eyebrow raised. 

"Shouldn't you be in a good mood too? Your girlfriend should be here any minute." I tease back. 

"Yeah, but I'm too tried to be happy." Zayn pouted. 

I pranced around the kitchen looking through 5 cupboards before I found the cereal I was looking for. I knew what cupboard I was looking for but I was in a too good of a mood to actually look seriously. I picked up the cereal, have it a funny look and put it back in the cupboard deciding against breakfast. 

"Allie, can I talk to you quickly?" Niall asked after I had put the cereal back into the cupboard. 

"Sure thing!" I answered bounding off after him into another room. The boys started making remarks so I turned around and stuck my tongue out at them. Harry simply gave me a knowing wink. 

"Yes Niall?" I ask, extremely interested in what Niall had to say. 

"Well, over the past 2 and a bit more weeks I've gotten to know you Allie. You're an amazing strong willed girl with a stomach that could give mine a run for its money. I've slowly been falling in love with the things you do; slowly but then all at once. I was wondering if you would like to make us an item. You know, be mine?" Niall asked as his face was sporting a light pink colour. 

I grabbed both of Niall's hands, lacing my fingers into his, reaching up to give Niall a kiss on the cheek. 

"I would love to be yours." I say looking the Irish boy straight in the eyes. Niall's face lit up like a 5 year olds on Christmas morning. I smiled back as the doorbell rang from outside the room. I kept one hand tangled within his as we left the room. 

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