Chapter 2

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The plane trip felt as though it would never end and we would be forever trapped in the atmosphere and I think having the stop-over in Dubai only made things worse.

As soon as my iPhone picked up the free Wi-Fi at the Dubai airport, my mobile was vibrating nonstop from a long string of Facebook messages and wall posts from friends back home. I turned it off. I didn't want to break down in tears in an airport and country I hadn't been to before. I didn't want to add to the increasing headache I already had.

After finally leaving Dubai and arriving at the busiest airport in the world, I followed the streams of people who were all excited for holidays or to potentially see loved ones. As much as I was excited to leave the airport, I was still scared and nervous.

"May I ask why you have a visa to live and work in the UK?" The blonde hair lady at the counter asked. She had her haired tied back into a tight bun and was wearing a little too much make up, not that it mattered to me. She seemed nice enough.

"I'm going to be living with some family of mine for a little bit until I get a feel for the city, and then I'm going to start up a cupcake shop. I'm going to make all the food I sell." I said back with a smile.

"Wow, sounds like fun. You'll have to let me know where it is so I can see it sometime. Everything seems to be in order for your visa so now you may enter the country."

"Thank you muchly!" I say as I bent down and picked up my carry-on luggage and walked up passed the counter, leaving a mass of people behind.

Constantly looking above my head at the blue direction signs, I slowly managed to maneuver my way through the largest airport in the world to find the baggage collection point.

I waited patiently for my three suitcases to ride to me on the conveyors and loaded them onto a trolley.

As I had nothing to declare in customs, I made my way out looking into the sea of people, all waiting for loved ones to arrive from different plane flights.

I was told by my Auntie that they were sending their eldest daughter Gemma to pick me up from the airport, and would be waiting for me once I made my way out of customs.

I was informed they had even made a sign to welcome me with.

As scan the sea of people, looking for a homemade sign that read "Miss Allie Hastings", I received a tap on my shoulder.

"Excuse me, but are you Miss Allie Hastings?" A low raspy voice asks from behind me.

"Why yes I am!" I said in the brightest voice I could muster in my fragile state as I turned around only to be faced with Harry Styles.

"Hi, I'm Harry and it's nice to meet you" introduced Harry while eyeing me up and down, checking it with a photo he was holding in his other hand to verify it was in fact me. It’s weird how we're cousins and we've never even met before or known of each other until now.

"Well, I'm Allie obviously and it's nice to meet you too" I exclaimed with a large grin displaying my joy for meeting new family as I held out my hand for a handshake, reverting back to the awkward Allie everyone back home was so accustom too.

Harry just smiles at my hand and pulls me into a hug instead.

"We are family you know? Family don't do hand shakes" He mused before pulling away from the hug and taking control of my luggage cart. Harry wheeled my collection of suitcases out to the car I expected was waiting for us outside the large building.

"I can take my luggage, Harry" I persisted, moving my hand over the baggage trolley.

"No, I'll take it. First thing you must know about me is that I'm a perfect gentleman." Harry explained cockingly as he slid my hand off the trolley.

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