Chapter 1

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I've been sitting in front of my mirrored door, built in wardrobe for the past hour trying to find motivation to begin to pack 3 suitcases with all the clothes I had accumulated throughout my years in country Victoria. The five hours that I previously had was slipping through my fingers like sand at a beach.

The time I had left simply wasn't enough to pack my hard shell suitcases before making my way to Tullamarine Airport in Melbourne, Australia.

I was flying to London to spend undecided amount of time with distant family that I've never met.

I took a deep breath in the mirror and sighed out loud for what seems like the tenth time in the last half an hour. I shifted from sitting with crossed legs on the dark brown carpet into a standing position infront of what appeared to be my large tan trench coat. I reached into the wardrobe and grasped my fingers around the cold, metal pole which my clothes were neatly hung upon. I gave a sharp pull of the pole and it disconnected itself from the wardrobe wall.

Planting one end of the pole just outside of my suitcase I let all my clothes slide to the end of the pole and into my suitcase. I neatly tuckec the overhanging edges into the bag before proceeding to empty my underwear and sock draw on top. I do the same to the next pole in my wardrobe; emptying it into another suitcase before placing numerous pajama sets on top. I filled my remaining bag with toiletries and essential items I'll need while I'm overseas. It surprised me when I learnt that this whole packing experience wasn't as hard as first anticipated.

Time flew past while I was packing, contradicting the saying of 'time fly's when you're having fun' because in no way, shape or form did I enjoy packing especially when it involved moving.

Rushing around the house and emptying the material possessions of my life into a bag was no way I had intended spending the week after graduation. I dragged my suitcases down the main hallway stairs as slowly as I could, prolonging the trip to the airport as much as possible while at the same time ensuring that it didn't tumble down the stairs, taking me along with it.

It's not that I don't want to travel overseas and visit exciting new places, take photos of my experiences, meet new people and start my own business, but before making the decision of the move, I never thought about the friends, family and lifestyle I was leaving behind.

I was leaving behind a life I was truly going to miss.


"Why do you have to go Allie?" Holly sighed before wrapping me into a bone crushing hug.

I wasn't able to prolong time forever, and unfortunately made it to the airport on time with my parents by my side to catch my flight. Holly met me there to say goodbye.

Holly is my best friend. We've been close friends since Year 7 but after a mutual friend decided to leave us behind for the popularity of others we had grown closer and shared a bond I was confident would survive this distance that the ocean was putting in between. Holly was shorter than me by a head height with freckles. She had the biggest smile in our year level.

I pulled away briefly, still keeping both hands on her shoulders.

"I've told you this, I'm going to make something of myself. Once I get my business started up, you can be first to come and visit me!" I replied before pulling her back into another hug.

"Hey now, it's my turn for a hug." Cameron, my boyfriend cooed before lifting me up into a bear hug which only causes tears to gather in my eyes, threatening to spill over thus causing my mascara to run, allowing me to resemble a panda for another 21 hours.

Cameron and I have been dating for about 2 years now. He was a head taller than me with blonde hair that was shaped effortlessly into a quiff. He was in the "popular" group at school whereas I was not. We had started hanging out while I was on crutches with a extremely dodgy ankle. He would carry my clarinet to band practices as I was unable too. The Senior band took a trip across the country for Nationals and over that week we had found a great relationship with each other that rivals those of others. He was fun to hang around with as he always knew how to make me smile and lift up my spirits when others were unable too.

He let me back down slowly onto the tiled, trampled airport floor before kissing my temple which only made the butterflies within my stomach swarm.

"Last call for London, England at 2pm via Dubai"

I picked up my small bag of carry-on luggage and made my way to join the deminishing queue of people waiting to enter the sky bridge onto the plane.

I turned around in line to face the direction of my two friends and parents. I waved half-heartedly before getting my ticket scanned and making my way to my seat which fortunately for me was located on the aisle and right near the snack bar.

I reached into my bag and pulled out a farewell card that all my close friends had written in on the week of graduation, so I wouldn't forget them.

As if I would be able to forget them.

"Dear Allie,

I love you so much and I don't want you to go but I guess you have too. Good-luck at your new job. Jordyn xoxo"

"Dear Allie,

Goodbye, we will all miss you heaps! Especially me. Have lots of fun at your new job! Love Phoebe xoxo"

"Dear Allie,

I am going to miss you so much! I will miss our singing in textiles! Good luck in your new city and have fun xoxo Love Brittany"

"Dear Allie,

We have had good times, bad times and everything in between. It's sad to see you go after so long!! I'll MISS YOU, Brandon :-)"

"Dear my lovely, beautiful, hot, smoking, sexy, fine, pretty, smart Allie!

I hope you make the best of London and make loads of new friends. I and so many others are going to miss to so so so so so so so so so MUCH! Who's going to be the weird wacky girl that's alway's happy and smiley? I LOVE YOU GIRLY!

Love from Emma! :-)"

"Dear Allie,

You're moving away. I'm still trying to make myself believe that. The generous part of me is saying "Have a great time, make heaps of new friends!" but the selfish part of me is saying "Stay here. I don't want you to go!"

You are one of my best friends, and as we know those are hard to come by. I'm going to miss you so much when you leave. Not being able to have our private jokes in English or relating everything possible to Harry Potter in Graphics, I'm dreading the moments when I turn to have a laugh with you and there is just an empty space next to me... But I want you to remember that no matter what it is, I'm here for you, just a phone call away. Never forget that.

There isn't enough room in this card to write all I want to tell you. But remember this: when you are feeling down just think 'Holly is my friend, and always will be. She will personally come to London and head butt anyone who makes me cry. Josh Hutcherson is HOT. Harry Potter rocks. And I am a SuperMegaFoxyAwesomeHot ChickWithBrains. Hehe. I will miss you every day that you are gone, our photos we take, Our 'Totally Awesome' jokes, and everything else that I haven't been able to fit in this card.

From your Best friend forever Holly. Good Luck xoxox"

Sighing deeply, I wiped the stray tears that have run down my face, before I adjusted the headrest and leaned my head against the scratchy material and trying desperately to fall asleep and forget that this plane trip is long and the distance that I travel isn't the distance I'm putting between family and friends.


First story! It's a little short at the moment but it just seemed like a nice place to end the chapter.

-Bianca! x

P.S The letters used are real letters that were given to me when I left my old school.


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