chapter. 1

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I've rewritten this in a separate story, dark mysteries 2.0 if anyone is interested it's just the same story written better.

I was eating my breakfast in peace until some lunatic kicked my door, I choked on my food.

"Dude what the hell the door Isn't even locked," I screamed at the extremely excited James.

"Don't throw your temper on me, Diaz I brought you probably a once in a lifetime chance,"

"You just kicked my do-"

"So there's this starting singer ever heard of ' The princes' ?" said James while taking a seat.

I wanted to ignore him but I knew he won't shut up "Get to the point,"

"she asked for you personally, "

I was starting to get impatient "James just get to the damn point or leave me to enjoy my breakfast,"

"a full year 2000$ a day,"

I spit my coffee upon hearing the  "You just said she was starting, No way she's making that much," 

James wiped his face"Who cares as long as you get your check by the end of the day,"

"If she can afford to spend why not pick someone better,"

"You're so sceptical man the opportunity just knocked on your front door and instead of letting it in your keep asking these dumb questions," 

"It's just doesn't seem right a starting star with a lot of money and instead of hiring someone with an experience she hires a starting nobody,"

"Dude you have three years of experience with handguns, Assault rifles and machine guns, You have a black belt in karate you're an amazing driver who can operate almost any vehicle you can be a hitman a mercenary anything the requires violence but instead you choose to be a celebrities babysitter you're the weird one, "

"I have my reasons to do this,"

"And I don't care about them, Anyway are you in or should I call someone else,"

"I'll need more details before I can answer,"

"She believes that her life is in danger so she's asking for 24/7 bodyguards,"

"I don't know if you realize this but as a human, I can't protect Someone 24/7 alone, "

"Who said anything about working alone? ,"

"Stop messing with me James just tell me the full story, "

"Ok, she might not have asked for you personally, "

I stared at him blankly hoping he'll continue not a word escaped his lips " If I have to ask you to get to the point one more time I swe-"

"It's a little contest....... this uprising singer doesn't believe in reputation or experience only skills so she with the help of God knows who arranged a little contest with few tests, probably a tournament the end of the day the top three people will win the contract, She gave an invitation to every live-in bodyguard across the country,"

I just sat there, how was I supposed to react to this.

" so......."

" so what? ,"

" Are you in or out? ,"

" The pay is beyond good and the job is probably dangerous and I have no idea what to think of this,"

" well here's the invitation do whatever you want with it but if you go and get the job don't forget the deal," said James handing me an envelop he stood up and was leaving

" When is the contest?"

" I have no idea of when or where the note with the envelop said nothing about the whereabouts it only instructed that it should be hand-delivered to mister Diaz probably everything you want to know is in the message," and as he was about to leave " good God what happened to your door?"

Later that day I was laying in my bed... thinking ...All of this it's just sound weird I took the invitation and examined it, it was just a normal letter I opened it thinking that I'll give it a shot, It read :

To Marco Diaz
As you were already informed you and a bunch of other specially picked bodyguards are now in a contest the prize is already known to you, the first test starts here and now you'll have to locate the place where the second test will begin you have until the first of July we wish you good luck.

"The first of July !!.... that's tomorrow," there was a hint on the paper but it was only a bunch of numbers .... way too many numbers.

I kept staring at them for hours trying to make something out eventually I realized that there was a lot of zeros and ones I took out the other numbers and I was right it was binary code, it was a bunch of numbers with the letters X and Y they were coordinates and my god were they far, they were across the country I had to move now if I'm planning on making it on time.

I was now packing preparing to leave all the way across the country since I hate flying I chose to drive.

all the way I couldn't shake off the feeling that I was being watched but no one was there I Checked way too many times taking fake turns looping checking people etc. But now one was there.

At the night I decided to stay at a motel I kept staring at the message, as the paranoid person that I am I kept trying to decode the numbers using some techniques I learned from a friend
I came up with a lot of letters combination, non was readable except one it read Mewni it probably was nothing and I was just paranoid.

The next morning I arrived at the coordinates and boy was I in for a surprise about 40-50 people were discarding the security teams the best people in the business ex-military officers, soldiers, secret agencies operators you name it.

It was an open place, not a building in sight except for few tents that were too heavily guarded this person still want bodyguards she has a small army yet still need us.

I parked the car and head to where I thought the second test was 

I've been blocked by two security guards " name and invitation" he said without flinching is he even breathing?.

" Marco Diaz," I Said while giving him the invitation.

He examined before giving me a look " the password?"

"Password?... what password ?.... No one told me anything about a pass-" it was then when it clicked, might as well give it a shot " Mewni"
As I said this both of them were out of the way, I don't believe that worked I kept walking until I reached where everyone was.

" times up, Congratulations everyone you made it through the first test, Now the second one shall start"

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