chapter .6.

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After few drinks, the party started to worn off probably because almost everyone is either drunk to the point where they can't stand or knocked out

" You know how to throw a celebration," I said

" It's not my fault that everyone lightweight," said James

" The less they drink the less I pay.....hey you listing?"

" That girl over there she's been staring for a while"

I looked to where he was pointing there were two girls one with wavy, shoulder-length platinum blond hair with an aqua streak on the left side she was wearing a shell necklace that looked familiar 

the other one had straight medium- length dark hair 

"Well, go at it I won't stop you, not that I can "

He looked at me in silence before talking " well I'm not leaving you there's two of them and you don't look half bad "

" Hahaha sure, sure, " I said as I was leaving he caught my wrist and forced me to sit

" why not ?" James said

" Well I'm not exactly in my best shape right now"

" you won't let some bruises stop you would you now ?"

" half of my face is covered and my left arm is broken I'm surprised they let me in "

" it's not just that ........ it's about her right ?"

I tried to respond but was too embarrassed to say anything

" it's been over a year now you gotta let go dude know what today we're celebrating you, so I won't say anything you want to stay alone suit yourself," said James as he stood there up " me I'm going to test my luck "

My eyes widened when I saw James walking back to me in less than five minutes with a long face " That fast really? " I said as soon as he took a seat

" well she's not interested in men she just thought that I looked familiar that why she was staring"

" Hard luck," I said trying my best not to burst out from laughter


I passed him a glass and said " as a wise man once said the night is still young"

" I hate you," James said

" sure you do -"

" Marco is that you? Long time no see," said a girl behind me

I turned around to the source of the voice it was the girl with the platinum blond hair now that I got a closer look at her face I realized who she was " Jackie ......what are you doing here ?........wait was it Chloe that just tur-" I was cut off by a sharp pain in my stomach it was James that punched me

" Marco who's your friend here ?" James asked

" James this Jackie and her ......... It's rude of me to ask but what is your relationship status now ?"

Jackie didn't say a word just flashed me her hand it had an engagement ring on it

" Wow congratulations I happy for you two really, well this is James, James the one with the ring and the shell necklace is Jackie and I believe you already met her fiancée Chloe," I said

" Why must I be tormented like this ? " said James burying his face in the table

They both took a seat, we got a couple of drinks and caught up a little

" so Marco what happened to you ?, You look like you got hit by a truck," said Jackie

" long story short I got into a tournament and I won "

" If you're the winner I don't want to see the loser," Said, Jackie

" I can swear I had this conversation with Janna a few hours ago "

" oh you met her, well did she tell you ?"

" Tell me what ?" I said, now that I think about she didn't talk much and she usually shows up for favours but this time she didn't ask for anything

Jackie didn't talk for a second then she said " the wedding date mi-... I mean Chloe's and I wedding "

" not really "

" Well I'll send you an invitation soon it should be sometime in the next few months," said Jackie " and you better find a date by then because you're not coming alone"

I tried to explain " There might be a slight- " I was cut off by the sound of Jackie's ringtone

" I'm sorry I have to take this," said Jackie while walking out of the bar

A few minutes later she walked in with a worried expression " I'm sorry but we got to go something urgent came up "

" Is there any way I can help ?"

" Not now, maybe someday," She said while reaching for her bag

" No no, all the drinks tonight are on me "

" If you say so, talk to you later"

And just like that, they were gone after a while everyone either left or passed out we decided to head home James live in the same building so it wasn't a lonely walk

" So Jackie what's her story?" James asked,

" where's that coming from ?" I answered

" Curiosity she seems interesting "

" don't you even dare to try "

" I wasn't planning to do anything I just wanted to know more about her"

" Well she's my friend from high school, we dated for a while you can tell how that worked out"

" I know you're not good at dating but to make a girl loss faith in all men you got to be something"

" This is the last time I tell you anything "

" Just kidding chill man, how can I avoid angering her ?"

" that's a weirdly specific question, well just don't be a dick "

" what about your other friend ?"

" Chloe I don't know mu-"

" no-no, I meant this Janna, the one that broke into your apartment today right ? "

" how do you know about that ?"

" The walls have ears friend "

" what about her ?"

" who's she? what did she want ?"

" Why do you care ?"

" she seems like trouble that's all "

" you can believe that about her there's nothing worth mentioning and she came to say hi "

We stopped walking for we have arrived we walked up the stairs and before we separate James told me something " try to stay out of trouble "

I just nodded while I kept going up the stairs I finally reached my room I was exhausted I took a seat, closed my eyes and drowned myself in thought some weird things happened

" Haha well .... that's unfortunate-" ........." you met her, did she tell you ?" ........." not now, maybe someday " ......" try to stay out of trouble"

" I'm probably just overthinking it " I mumbled to myself

I let out a sigh and opened my eyes looked around the room realized something out of place

" how did this get here?" I said as I picked the object

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