chapter. 14

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It's been a week and still no answer .... Until the phone rang

" Hola"

" Hey, Marco it's James I'm in your apartment where are you? "

" I'm at – wait how did you get in–?"

" through the door was broken when I got here I swear"

" I just bought that door .....I hate you"

" Where are you ?"

"At my family's home ...why ? "

"ahhhhh... I thought weeeee ....could go out and have a drink ......maybe later goodbye "

" Wait what about my door ?" response, he closed the call and I get back to scrolling through my phone I'm dying from boredom than my door opened and mom came through with a box in her hand

" I found a bunch of books in the attic I thought you might be interested, " she said

" thanks"

She dropped the box and left I start to go through it I found a bunch of old books and short stories I read but a book stood out one with a purple cover

" I thought I lost you ?"

It was my diary from back in high school, seeing it brought back a lot of good memories and few unpleasant ones .......I started reading

A few hours later I realized I have re-experienced all my high school years, I wrote every detail .......even the unpleasant ones

" I wrote a lot, " I thought to myself, I kept reading until I reached the final page weirdly the date wasn't there

But as I read the page I remembered everything

it was the day my life changed

It was the last day of school and everyone was hyped for the summer vacation and I finally managed to get over Jackie

The school ended and my friends wanted to hang out we went downtown and had a great day when the night fell we went our separate ways as I was walking I wondered in thought which caused me to bump into an old man and causing him to fall

" I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention, " I said as I extended my hand to help him Which he didn't seem to notice

" no I'm sorry I should've been more careful," he said as he moved his hand on the ground like he was looking for something

I then realized the cane and immediately helped him grab it. He stood up and said " I don't want to trouble you, young man. But I can't find my home. Can you help me? It shouldn't be far from here "

" it's the least I can do sir where do you live?"

He then gave me the address and it wasn't far from my house and we were going the same way anyway so I agreed he was quiet all the way and we reached his house he asked me to enter and have some pudding my mind refused but something about that man was different I never felt unsafe around him even though he's a stranger

I did the thing no one should do and agreed

As I sat at the table he prepared the tea even though he was blind he knew his way around his kitchen he eventually came with two cups of chocolate pudding as we were eating

" Say Marco do you believe in fortune-telling ?"

I couldn't say anything, I never told him my name did he–

" because I can tell you your you believe in that stuff ?"

I didn't know how to answer

" Do you want me to tell your fortune ?"

" ........sure"

Although my mind refused everything I was doing it somehow felt right, he extended his hands as he was asking me to do the same thing

I gave him my hand, he examined it then let it

" Do you believe in magic Marco?"

Yet again I couldn't say anything

" your future is dim ..... you'll have to kill, steal and lie to a lot of people if you want to survive ....  You shall not bow for the mightiest of kings and queens, you'll lose a lot of your beliefs and those you hold dear in the pursuit of salvation...... you should prepare for there's a war in your future a one that'll either end life or allow it ....... prepare for only you can change the end of the war ....."  it was the last thing he said before he extended his hand and touched my forehead I pulled away in seconds and ran home as fast as I could, I head straight to my room locked the door and hid under the covers

He only touched me for seconds but in those seconds I saw myself standing on a battlefield in full body armour the sky was grey and corpses is all you can see, some even unhuman I look at my hand to see a sword that's covered in blood, covered to the point where its steal is not visible

I tried to forget what I saw but it kept hunting me sometimes in my nightmares I eventually decided to listen to the weird man advice and ...... prepare

I called a friend of mine that lived in China that knew some fighting techniques he offered to teach
me before only I wasn't in need for it but now ....... it's different

few years in China and I mastered some forms of martial arts

from there I head to Russia to another friend who's good with guns "it's family business " he used to say

from there I went to few other countries learning new skills and learning about their culture, languages and such after I was done I decided that I need work and I became a bodyguard because –

A sound of ringing brought me back to the real world, I checked the phone it was Ferguson

" Marco ? "

" you're late"

" Yes, but I have some news"

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