chapter. 13

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" Is this the place ?" Tom asked

" Ya my family house, come on in"

" Thanks for the offer but there's a family event I got to attend and I'm already late "

" Maybe next time thanks for the ride "

I got out of the car and said my goodbye I watched as he took a turn and disappeared

I heard the door open, I turned and saw Mariposa with someone...... Who's this guy? I walked to them and asked, " who are you ?"

" Who are you," he said

" I'm -"


" unimportant who's he ?" I asked

" You know this guy ?" he said

" Yes he's my dump big brother "

" Don't sound so disappointed I'll assume you hate me, anyway who's he ?"

" that should be the least of your concerns if mom sees you like this she'll kill you "

" you're not answering "

" he's my boyfriend "

" Since when and if you have a boyfriend ?"

" since when and you care? , I don't hear from you for three months and you just show up wrapped like a mummy and start asking me questions about my life ..... I'm not having this let's go "

She then grabbed the boy's hand and left

" When are you coming back ?"

No answer...I proceeded to enter the house " I won't let you go through what I've been through I promise " I mumbled to myself


I felt vibrating in my pocket " salve"

" Tom where are you ?"

" Right behind you dear "

She turned around and she let out a huge breath when she saw me

" you're almost late, where were you? "

" the magic word is almost, and remember when I told you that Marco's car got stolen because of me so I thought it's fair that I give him a ride only I underestimated how far his family house was "

" ok let's-......wrong clothes "

I looked at my clothes I forgot to change with a snap of my finger my clothes turn into ash being replaced by ones fitting the underworld ruler

" Ok everyone is waiting let's go "

" Then they shall wait no more for the star has arrived "

I took her forearm and proceeded to the ballroom upon reaching I could feel all the eyes on us thankfully star didn't notice she was focused on how adorable Serena looked in her dress

We reached our seat next to the queen and king of Mewni and the cloud kingdom king

Over seven kings and queens are gathered in one room for what's known as the silver ball an event held by the queen of Mewni

The event requires the future kings and queens to dance together to show goodwill among kingdoms so practically the whole event is just a big joke

Except for the kids, almost everyone in this room hates each other the only reason no one acted upon it yet is because of fear no one wants to start a fight when they know that monsters are lurking waiting for a chance to strike and if that doesn't sound ominous enough

" any news about the runaways my queen ?"

" This isn't the time nor the place to ask...... But no, nothing new "

A few weeks ago we started to have runaways normal guards high ranked knights and even war advisors all of them abounding their work and disappear, no Magic trace no sign of teleportation they just vanish into thin air with nothing behind but a message clarifying that they left of their own free will and that their families know nothing, and those are without family just asked for forgiveness from no one in particular

And I still didn't find out who killed my man from back in the mansion.......something big is happening and instead of trying to find out what those people are wasting their time trying to delay the inevitable and that is war

" Are you ok ?" star asked with worry look in her eyes

" just got lost in thought, don't worry"

" Are you sure ?"

" Yes, look at Serena "

She immediately turned and I watched as the worried look disappeared from her face

I always find it adorable how clueless and innocent she can be, she never experienced war before and as long as I'm alive I'll make sure she doesn't, she found a hobby she likes and I finally convinced her to move to a calm and safe dimension alongside Serena they're both happy and most importantly safe and I'll make sure it stays that way

" I'm back," Mariposa said

" come take a seat while I heat dinner "

" I'm not a kid I can handle myself "

" I know but we need to talk"

" That again "

She thankfully agreed to take a seat

" Like it or not I'm your big brother "

" by four years "

" and you're still young "

" I'm eighteen "

" The point is I don't want you to sacrifice your life over a lie "

" What do you mean "

" This whole love and finding your significant other and all the stuff you watch on TV is just a lie most people will use you and when they're done with you they'll toss you aside, the sooner you understand this the better ..... But what you choose to believe is completely up to you, and my role as your big brother is to ensure your safety so all I'm asking for is his name "

" What will you do to him ?"

" Whatever you want "

" ............. Peterson Harold "

" Thanks ... dinner is heated, enjoy"

We chatted for a bit after that and I went to my room after that to make a call

" Ferguson ?"

" that's me what's up Marco it's been a while "

" ya I've been busy "

" ya kicking people ass and winning tournaments I heard "

" How did you -"

" It's my job to find out, now how can I be of assistance ?"

" information "

" Target ?"

" Peterson Harold, around 25 blue eyes brown hair white male "

" What's in it for me ?"

" he's dating my sister can't it be a favour ?"

" favours don't put food in the plat friend "

" fine ...the usual fee "

" give me three days "

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