chapter. 4

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" Why did you kill them," said the man, this has been going for three hours now

" for the last time, I didn't kill anyone" I replied,

he punched me " this is the last time I'll ask nicely ?"

" I killed them because I'm a psychopath a crazy person who kills people for fun the sound of them screaming was amusing," I Said

He punched me again, for no reason at all I just told him what he wanted to hear

" the boss wants to see," someone said, he then left me strapped to a chair with bruises and cuts all over my body and I believe my left arm is broken

I just sat there without food for hours upon hours I didn't realize I was asleep until I was awakened by someone

" eat you'll die if you don't," he said putting a plate in front of me He untied me and sat in front of me

With no hesitation, I started eating

" my name is Tom Lucitor"

" Marco Diaz"

" I'm sorry for the way they treated you, but I understand why you've done what you've done there was pressure and you cracked made a mistake or two I understand I was in your place once and I cracked I made mistakes but I asked for help I've been given second chance you can do the same I just need you to tell the full story because I can only help you so much knowing half the truth "

" you know half the lie, those dead bodies you found they don't belong to me I confesse that I may have beaten up someone but it was self-defence and I left the man with his heart beating strapped to a chair, I did not kill anyone"

" but you know someone who did "

" I don't know Kris or Adam enough to judge them and I'm not sure if we were alone in that castle ........... As far as I know, as soon as we were out of the basement we split I took the East side Adam went east and Sam North one checked the south after about sixty minutes we were out of there and it took us about three hours to get back "

" the basement, nobody mentioned anything about it to me "

" What would they mention? It was almost empty each of us was in separate rooms with nothing but a note pinned to the wall with a small knife that could barely scratch someone let alone kill "

" the guy that you just said you strapped to a chair in the eastern side was found dead "

I remained silent

" Marco there's something you're not telling me, I want to help but you have to tell me every detail no matter how small it seems like a name, title, sound anything "

" .................... When the guy attacked me I was reading a book I found it had a purple colour cover and the word Mewni sculpted on it, while I was reading the guy entered the room he was a replica of Adam except he wasn't as skilled as him so I was able to take him down"

" and the book? "

" It was interesting so I decided to keep it maybe read it later"

" where's it now ?"

" I have no idea I, I had it on me but it just vanished "

" well that's everything for now you'll be escorted to your cell and will be able to leave by tomorrow morning I deeply apologize for any inconvenience that occurred during the past two days"

" I appreciate that but as you see my arm is broken because of you and I can't do my job with one arm "

" about that, I will personally oversee that you're Compensated for all your troubles and in exchange, you won't mention anything about the past two days to anyone"

" Sounds like a deal "

" I'm glad we came to an understanding "

The next morning my wounds were treated alongside my broken arm after they were done they asked me to wait and left me

It's been two hours now and I heard a knock on the door

" Come in," I said

It was Tom he walked in with a bunch of papers in his hands he took a seat and started talking

" as we talked yesterday you're not allowed to tell anyone about anything that happened in the past two days bluh bluh bluh hunting killing death that bullshit and in return you get this," he said putting a bunch of papers in front of me

" I don't remember anything about hunting, killing or death and even if I do, I don't think a bunch of papers will help me to get through it," I said, I started reading and it was a bunch of crap that I was in no mood for a long story short after I sign the first half part of the papers they'll have the right to sue me AKA kill me if I tell anyone about the information that has been agreed upon

The second was my EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT !!
It was just like James said 24/7 guarding duty for a salary of 2000$ a day

" signing the second is optional to you, but I'm not allowed to let leave unless you sign the first "

I of course signed both

" and about the Compensate I believe this should cover everything," he said giving me an envelope " see you in eight weeks Diaz

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