chapter. 15

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" Marco ?" 

"You're late" 

" Yes, but I have some good news and bad news which do you prefer first " 

" good?" 

" I didn't find any criminal record the kid is clean" 

" But ......." 

" but The kid is a fake " 

" excuse me ?" 

" he's using fake ID Peterson Harold died from cancer about three years ago" 

" you think he-" 

" there's a chance but it's probably not the case, but I can assure you that he killed some people " 

" why don't you just tell me the full story" 

" well, the name I found is Alexander last name unknown he's English born in 1991 he's been reported missing in 2009 and later in 2012 he killed a few people but was counted as self-defence so the charges were dropped he later was convicted for art theft the painting was never found but he was  sentenced ten years two months later he was reported dead because of a heart attack " 

" And you think he's the same guy ....why? " 

" well first Peterson doesn't look like what you described but our friend Alex on the other hand is identical " 

" That's not enough to prove anything " 

" The grave is empty " 

" you dag a dead man grave " 

" we've done some things worse than this " 

" yes, but that doesn't justify what you did?" 

" I did what I had to do "

" Still not enough prove though I need more evidence "

" His fingerprints are identical "

" How did you get his fingerprints ?"

" You don't need to worry yourself about the little details "

" so you're trying to tell me that Mariposa is dating a thief that faked his death ?" 

" Pretty much, ya " 

" well thanks for the info " 

" What are you going to do ?" 

" Not sure but we'll see " 

" be careful man he's danger–" 

" please I'm friends with Janna the girl is banned from 6 countries and wanted in 8 and I ain't dead yet what's he going to do? Shoot me ?" 

" speaking of Janna I would keep my distance for a while if I were you" 

" why? , What's she up to ?" 

" that's the problem I don't know, but she's been stealing Weird things " 

" like what ?" 

" Lot of guns, silver and leather of all kinds all from smugglers and she's buying a lot of iron and carbon  "

" you mean stealing it and leaving the money behind " 

" ya, so be careful because as I said I have no idea what she's up to but it's big since she started to have some new friends" 

" new friends?" 

" I counted 12 so far, masked and in black cloths and they're good, one is even better than Janna" 

" that's going to be problematic" 

" Just be careful, ok?" 

" I'll try " 

" well you can transfer the money the usual way I have to go, talk to you later " 

After that, I transferred the money as agreed and checked the time it was seven-thirty pm 

I decided to go for a walk, as I left the house I noticed a familiar man approaching our house

" Peterson just the guy I wanted, you and I need to have a few words" 

" as much as I'd like that I wouldn't want to keep Mariposa waiting " 

" it won't take long, and she's still getting ready " 

" well ok, Ms Diaz what do you want to talk about ?" 

" call me Marco, what should I call you ?" 

" Peterson would do " 

" I thought your name was Alexander " 

He didn't even flinch he kept that annoying calm look 

" Listen kid I know who you're and what you've done and to be honest .......I don't care "

Alex opened his mouth but said nothing 

" your past doesn't matter to me we all made mistakes but your presence on the other hand  " 

" what are you trying to say ?" 

" you could've chosen anyone in this rotten world but you decided to date my sister, my only precious little sister, if you even think about hurting her I'm going to make you wish you were in that casket " 

" I don't intend to hurt her, you can rest assured knowing that Mariposa is safe with me, I promise to keep her safe and happy  " 

" that's a promise you don't want to break .....or else" 

With that, I walked away from him and decided to go to the park. On my way there I received a message from Janna saying " we need to talk, are you free ?" 

" I know I shouldn't but I'm bored what could go wrong" I mumbled, after a long thought I replied " sure meet you at Britta's taco in 15  " 

I switched my way and started heading to the taco place I'm hungry upon arriving I noticed a familiar figure 

As I got closer I realized it was Janna already eating ......I approached her and took a seat 

" Hungry?" she asked passing me a taco 

" thanks is this a date ?" 

" Sorry Diaz I'm already taken " 

" I feel sorry for the lad " 

" Lass, " she said 

I choked on my food upon hearing that word, and Janna laughed 

" I'm kidding but you should've seen your face," she said

After that, we finished eating and I got in the car with her 

" I'll need you to put this on your face, " She said handing me the bag 

" am I being kidnapped now ?" 

" I'm giving you a choice if you don't like what I'm about to show you  can just walk away but if you don't put this on your head there will be some complications if you don't like it " 

Without any further discussion, I put the bag on my head and laid back and without realising I fell asleep 

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