chapter. 8

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" there's someone I'd like you to meet," Tom said
As he finished his sentence the doorbell ringed and through the door came two girls one with light blue eyes and long blonde hair and the other had long pink hair with a blue Streak and was wearing sunglasses

They walked to us, the blond one hugged Tom then both took a seat

" Marco this the love of my life my very own star butterfly ....and that's her friend pooooooooolacia ...... Lilacia, star this is my friend Marco Diaz "

Star butterfly .....where have I heard this name before I thought

" Nice to meet you Marco " star said While the other girl just nodded

" Nice to meet you to Star, Lilacia"

" How did you got hurt so bad if you don't mind me asking?" asked Star

" oh these little scratches I got them during a fight "

" no need to lie Marco she'll be your VIP anyway," said Tom

My mouth dropped upon hearing this news, nobody have seen ' the princess' before they just heard her songs " now that I think about it why would someone who doesn't make any real public appearance need an executive protection agent ?"

" That's a surprise for later "

" Excuse me I feel like this conversation is about me and I'm being completely left out of it "

" oh sorry babe, let me reintroduce my friend here this is Marco Diaz he's part of the elite executive protection agents or as you call them bodyguards that'll be assigned to you for the rest of the next year to ensure your safety and public profile "

" But I didn't ask for any bodyguards that'll limit me "

" He won't be limiting you .......... How can I adequately put this...... he'll be there to make you sure you don't get yourself killed or publicly humiliated"

" That wasn't a very nice way to put it "

" And he doesn't seem strong ain't bodyguards supposed to be big and strong," said Lilacia

" Some are yes but it isn't all about the muscles you need someone who can blend in won't arise suspiciously and use his words more than his hands "

" he doesn't seem to have much of a choice here," said Lilacia

" Ya that would be my fault," said Tom

" Why did you break the poor man arms," said star

" it was a misunderstanding and we solved it in the end, I even gave him compensation"

" Well don't do that again "

My phone then ringed I took a look at it it was James " excuse me I have to take this "

" No problem "

I walked away from the table just far enough so they can't hear me and answered " hello "

" is this Marco ?" Said, James

" ya, that's me what do you need ?"

" If I tell you that about three people just broke into your apartment how would you feel about it ?"

" Excuse me ?"

"Three unknown individuals are going through your apartment as we're speaking "

"................... wellllllll I don't care if they took anything, thanks to you I hide all my valuables in a hidden bunker "

" how come I never heard of it ?"

" Because you're the one I'm hiding it from "

" so you don't care if they took anything "

" not really "

" If you say so," said James as he was ending the call

I quickly got back to the table and realized the absence of the two girls and the very frustrated Tom

" what did I miss ?"

" She's outrageous ..... outrageous I tell you all I want is to keep her safe and keep her public profile in good statues and suddenly I'm the bad guy can you believe that woman "

" You fight like a married couple "

" That's because we are, " Tom said he then let out a sigh " it's just she doesn't understand the gravity of the situation "

" well I'm the last person to ask about this stuff all I can say is good luck you seem like you'll need it "

" You have no idea," said Tom " anyway what was the call about ?"

" just a bunch of thieves going through my house "

" you seem calm about the situation "

" it's not that big of a deal there's nothing of value to steal "

" The value is always in the eye of the beholder. ... What is worthless to one person may be very important to someone else "

" If they see something of value in my room they are more than free to take it I mean besides the basic stuff there's nothing in my room not even a TV, and I don't think my fridge is worth that much "

" you're one strange man, my friend"

" I'm prepared, so can I consider myself fired or are you going to resolve the matter with your wife? "

" she's going to accept she's just a bit pissed because we already hired you without telling her "

" you mean she didn't know about the contract or the event "

" The contract is sealed, about the event I'm sure she's going to call me as soon as she finds out," Tom Said before his phone ringed " Talk of an angel and you'll hear his wings"

"You seem like someone who's not going to hear the end of this "

" I probably won't I got to go see you later, and I already paid so don't bother goodbye"

" good-" and before I can finish my sentence has already left

I finished my meal and walked home on the way there it clicked " OH MY GOD"

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