chapter. 2

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I stood there alongside with around 50 people, the sun behind us the air blowing north the tension was in the air there was more on the line than just money, whoever wins gets to the right to brag and those damn cameras aren't helping anyone why are they even filming us?

My thoughts were interrupted by a voice saying " congratulations everyone you made it through the first test now the second test shall start if you look to your left you'll see a machine you'll all take a line and press the red bottom a number will be given, each number means a different test, one for shooting, two for driving, three for hand to hand combat and four.......four is a surprise, there are currently 53 people the test will end when this number shrinks to 7 good luck everyone "

After that we stood in line to get numbers it feels like high school all over again

There were about 3 people In front of me each one got different numbers 1,2 and 3 I pressed the bottom hoping with every bit of me that it isn't four I opened my eyes and ........

" well isn't this my lucky day " it was four I looked at the guy that was standing next to the machine hoping he'll point me in the way to the 'surprise' test instead he asked me to follow him

He took me to an empty tent away from everything no sound can be heard which was weird because there was a shooting range close by " please wait here for further instructions" his voice made me flinch I was on very high alert I checked the room it was empty but there was a paperclip on the ground " neat " I said while picking it up and putting it in my pocket you never know when this can come in handy

I stood there waiting he kept bringing people one after another one every five minutes, no one spoke not until the eighth person was delivered " so what do you think the test will be about ?" asked Kris to no one, in particular, he was the third to arrive

"I have no idea the first test was about intelligence the second test so far is about prescription, reaction and the ability to drive, what is there left to test?" answered Rick

"a lot of stuff really; They'll eventually tell us we should just wait," said Adam

All of these people .... they're very known most of them are here to present their companies I felt out of place among them, to be honest

"I recognize all the people here ... almost everyone who are you ? " said Rick he was asking me and suddenly all the eyes turned to me I was speechless for few seconds my back started sweating crazy I wasn't this nervous since I asked my crush out.. that didn't end very well

"my name is Marco," I said with the best straight face I can make alongside with the flattest tone I can master I was nervous but I wasn't about to show it to anyone

" no need to be that cold to me, who knows we might end up working together," said Rick

" like they'll ever hire you, " said Sam

" What did you say?" said Rick he was ready to punch the guy

" I said that no one will hire a -"

" Would you two stop it there's crazy tension in the air and you're not helping, " said Adam

" he started it, " said Rick

" I don't care who started it, end it"

" Sir yes sir, " said Rick sarcasm in his voice

No one said anything after that

We stayed there for about thirty minutes then the guy who was bringing us in started to take us out ........individually one after another one every fifteen minutes he wasn't taking us in a pattern he walks intake random person and leave some tried to question him every time he answers with the same words " I have my orders" he kept repeating those words to every question we asked he probably was trying to avoid any long conversation with any of us in the end who want to talk to someone that can kill him

It was fifteen minutes since he took the last person any second now we were expecting him to arrive, those people were as chill as ever and I was ...... Pretty nervous to say the least

He arrived looked at all of us and calmly said " Marco Diaz your presence is requested, " and again all the eyes were on me I hate to be the centre of attention especially in such a tense situation I just nodded and followed him

After few minutes of silently walking the tent was out of sight " I'm sorry for the inconvenience sir, " said the guy

" excuse m-" everything went dark before I could finish my sentence

I woke up in a weird place .. dungeon cell? I never was in one of these so I'm not sure what they look like I felt a little dizzy and wet

I examined the room a regular dungeon cell if I know what one looks like there was a note on the wall pinned by a little knife I couldn't read it because It was across the room I tried to move only to be stopped by the chains that pinned me to the wall " great" I mumbled I kept pulling, pushing and hitting everything I could think of to break free

Then it clicked I quickly reached for my pocket, oh thank god you still here I used the paperclip to lock pick these annoying chains I successfully did " note to myself: remember to thank James, " I said as I was heading for the note it read

To the unlucky soul that was trapped here

This is one of the surprising tests that were prepared for you you're now in a cell in the basement of a castle and this small knife is all you have to defend yourself to succeed you have to find a key somewhere in the castle the key opens the front door your objective is to escape and head back to the place you were taken from good luck

Note: your not allowed to end the life of anyone in this castle

"Well.....this is going to be interesting,"

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