cha9ter . P

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"OH MY GOD " I screamed as I realized I forgot my car in Infront of the diner

" I'm an idiot " I mumbled as I walked back to the diner

When I arrived the car wasn't there " no no no no no "

Then my phone ringed and I answered without looking who it was  " WHAT?" I said

" Dude chill it's me, " said Tom

" Sorry I just lost my car what do you need ?"

" about that, I called to inform you that your car is with me I needed it and I was in a hurry sorry I took it without your permission"

" But .......I still have the keys how did you take it ?..... don't answer that, I need the car by tomorrow morning please return it before then"

" of course sorry again, " Tom said as I ended the call

" why can't I just have a normal friend ?......oh right that didn't work "

I just sighed and walked home it was about an hour till I arrived

The house looked terrible nothing was in place but surely enough everything was there

" Hey you back, need a hand with cleaning ?....pun intended"

" yes I'd appreciate your help"

After we put everything back in place I realized a few things missing the blue cover book some food and ........" THEY TOOK MY KNIFE" I screamed " what kind of psychopath steals a knife? "

" I thought you said you have nothing important in the house ...and why did you leave it at home ?"

" I'm so used to having it on me I forgot I left it at home "

" Why didn't you take it with you?"

" because the doctor won't let me bring it to my sessions "

" well you could've left it in the car "

" For the record, someone took my car "

"WHAT ?"

" he's a married man and it was an emergency "

" for the last time being married doesn't count as a handicap "

" said you "

" So what are you going to do ?"

" Simple we get the fingerprints analyse it and track whoever it belongs to "

" Ya I already checked, no fingerprints no DNA no footage nothing"

" what do you mean nothing ?"

" The cameras didn't catch anything I checked every camera in the neighbourhood, whoever they were they were either invisible or showed up out of nowhere in your room then vanished into thin air "

I took a seat my feet couldn't support me, I can't lose the knife ... not now

" You never told me what's so important about the knife "

" It won't matter if I don't find it "

" well I wish I can help but the tracking device isn't working for now  "

" what tracking device ?"

" ya that would be helpful do you have one ?"

" James ..... What .... tracking...... device ?"

James took a seat in front of me and  let out a sigh before talking he put on an apologetic smile and talked " I planted a tracking device in the scabbard of your knife or sheath for simplicity I didn't mean anything bad by it I only did it in case something happens to you or you lose the knife or someone steals it, somehow they found it and disabled it, it's that or they're in an untraceable location, that's probably underground or.............. "

" or? Or what James? "

" Nothing I'm probably wrong they're mostly underground just take a rest and I promise you as soon as I get a signal I'll tell you and we'll both go after them "

" But ...-"

" But I'll need you to tell me the knife's story "

" Maybe sometime later "

" Whenever you feel like it, So What do you think they were after ?"

" What do you mean ?"

" no offence but your knife isn't worth that much and I don't think three people broke into your apartment for some leftover lasagne what else is missing? "

" only a book "

" a book ?"

" Ya an interesting book I found it's fiction and it was fun to read but as far as I read it, it isn't really important "

" Keep checking you they might have taken something else "

James phone started ringing he answered and soon after said that he has to go on " duty calls" he said

he left and I decided to rest I went to my bed wanting to sleep and forget about all my problems

Unfortunately, I realized the weird object on my bed which was a book the purple one from back in the mansion, I can swear this wasn't here moments ago something isn't right

" Where do you keep appearing from ?" I mumbled

Eventually, my curiosity got the best of me and I dived into the book reading

while the blue book focused on the mewmans the purple focused on the other life forms gigantic animals fascinating stories about a time before the mewmans

a war for dominance between tribes lasting ages upon ages, generation after generation fighting to gain control over the land, eventually no winner was declared and the war ended after the population of the creatures decreased to a dangerous extent and they declared peace each tribe got what it wanted and peace lasted until new people arrived .......mewmans

upon arrival, they took control of the land due to lack of fighting forces the creatures retreated they didn't want to start another war ....not that they can win one anyway

The creatures took shelter in places the mewmans couldn't reach or won't try to, and it stayed like that

the mewmans never truly sought peace they either didn't care or wanted them dead it was like that for a long time some creatures tried to take vengeance for the way the mewmans treated them but were always out geared and outnumbered.

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