+ 25 : A recollection & macchiato +

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^ art by @ saffiarts on IG
Tysm for drawing Childe eheee <3

& Happy 100k Velvet café weeeeee



The bed was soft but not at all comforting. (Y/n) buried her head under her pillow while her phone rested on the palm of her hand. Childe had been ignoring her messages and calls she had been spamming him with after he left the café and didn't return.

For now, all she could do was give him time. Her thoughts slowly drifted away and she began remembering one not so serene day some time after she and Childe started dating.
"Hey (y/n), what's it like having a boyfriend? Must be a headache." Barbara asked. She stood behind the cash register wondering about different things out of boredom. The latter left the kitchen after there hasn't been any food orders for half an hour.

"E-eh? Why are you asking that all of a sudden?"

"Just curious." The blonde narrowed her eyes at Childe. "What do you see in him though? The boys we have here make it look like we're working at a circus."

"That pains me to hear." Kaeya said with a dramatic tone while he was making drinks and listening in to the conversation.

"Childe and Kaeya may fall short in the sensibility department, but we're pretty popular with the ladies." Zhongli walked over to retrieve the drinks Kaeya finished making before bringing them to the ones who ordered.

"I'm surprised you could say that so nonchalantly." Barbara sounded displeased.

"... Well Childe is sweet I guess. He makes me happy, and he's-"

"Hot?" Childe grinned, suddenly appearing from behind the group. The two girls heaved a sigh knowing that the compliments have just helped his pride.

Kaeya turned away and went back to focusing on what he was doing, Zhongli returned to taking orders, Barbara was about to continue going on a rant about the boys until a strong presence entered the café.

A lady with light brown wavy hair, holding onto a blue book walked up to the cashier with a sleepy look on her face. Green eyes looked through the list of drinks to order from and the lady yawned.

"One Lisa Minci please." Her eyes fell onto Barbara, the looked at (y/n) who stood beside her.

"Pardon?" For a split second the blonde wondered if they had a secret menu that she didn't know about.

"My my, I meant to say I'd like one macchiato. It's just this cutie here caught my attention and I ended up giving her my name." Her lips curled into a smile while looking at (Y/n)'s rather bewildered face. "Have my business card, cutie."

She took out a small card from her the bag that rested on her side and handed it to (Y/n).


Phone *** *** **69

Books for all
Lisa Minci

Childe deadpanned, and looked at the card as he stood behind (Y/n).

"Reminds me of you." She glanced at the deadpan wonder. Which escalated from a deadpan to a petrified scowl. He wasn't going to lose his girlfriend but heck, he had to admit the lady was intimidating.

Velvet Café [Childe x reader]Where stories live. Discover now