Dark Chocolate and Strawberries(CopBas)

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Thank you solyn57 for proofreading!

CopBas is a request.

It's my birthday tomorrow , so here's an early present for you all. Enjoy!




Ughhhh, laundry. 

I got out of my apartment and made my way to the dry cleaners around the block to get my fragile laundry done. I usually postpone till I absolutely need to do it, but my heat was starting in 4 days, so I wanted all the chores to be done to relax and lock myself in my room when the time comes. Yeah, I don't have a mate.  I stopped dwelling on that when I reached the store. 

Getting my receipt, I turned to go back, when I first smelled it, pinewood and dark chocolate. The smell was faint but it was there. I stood there, slowly sniffing the air, till I couldn't smell it anymore. Confused and disappointed, I went back home.

I did some more house chores, completed my college work and sent in my leave application for the upcoming week due to my heat. 

Then I entered the bathroom for my night routine and kept thinking about that smell. It took over my mind and I started getting sweaty. Realising what was happening I splashed water on my face and decided to call it a night.


I woke up sweating and panting, whining in discomfort. I knew the reason but I didn't want to admit it. I don't need a mate. I got up after around 30 mins and headed for a shower to cool myself down. Getting ready for the day, I made some breakfast for two as my friend, Tee was dropping by to work on our project. I made simple khao tom (A/N: it's like rice in soup of sorts). 

Placing everything on the table, I heard the door knock just in time. Opening the door, I found Tee yawning widely with sleepy eyes. I stepped aside, letting him in and leading him to breakfast. We ate, talking about random things and then moved onto working on our project. Time flew by and it was soon afternoon and Tee took his leave.

Feeling pretty productive with what I did, I decided to treat myself to something sweet from the nearby bakery. It was a short walk and I soon reached the place. I ordered a slice of strawberry tart and enjoyed it there itself, sitting on one of the tables. I also got some pineapple cakes to go as I would probably craving sweets after my heat. Finishing my tart, I took a detour to swing by the dry cleaners to pick up laundry. As I got out of the bakery, that same scent hit me from nowhere. I looked around to find the source, but couldn't point it out among the sea of people on the street. I swear this scent is haunting me.

I shook my head, refusing to let it bother me. I reached the dry cleaners and gave them the receipt. They handed me the bag and went back to my apartment.

I crashed on the couch, face down, wanting to scream as the very scent I tried to forget dominated my brain as if I could still smell it. Huh? I do still smell it.

My head perked up and I started sniffing the air, trying to locate it. I found myself with the laundry bag, digging through the cloths. I found the foreign black t-shirt. "I'm pretty sure that it's not mine." I muttered to myself. I thought so not only because I don't really own black t-shirts, but also because of the strong dark chocolate and pinewood scent emanating from it. 

"You've got to be kidding me!!!" I screamed in exasperation, already done with the game fate was laying with me. I tried to control my hormones as best as I could but the scent didn't let me. 

Against myself, I took the temporary heat suppressants which lasted for at least 48 hours. I could feel the energy leaving me, probably a side effect to the pills. I laid in the bed and decided to return the t-shirt tomorrow and surrendered myself to deep slumber.


I woke up, really groggy, even after sleeping long enough. Those pills suck. It was already past 12 so I must've been out for more than 10 hours. Sighing, I got up and did all what I would do in the morning and went out the door to return the t-shirt and get it done with. Though I would love to be surrounded by that scent as I'm in heat. 

Shaking my head, I walked to the dry cleaners, it was the old grandma on the counter today.  

"Grandma, I'm here to return this t-shirt. It was given to me by mistake." I said handing her the bag.

"Huh?" She took the receipt and tallied it with the records.

"Ahh, it's that boy's t-shirt...Uh, would you mind giving it to him? My grandsons are gone for a week and I can't leave the shop." She requested. I thought for a moment. Would it be okay for me to meet the alpha whose scent is affecting me so much? 

I didn't want to but I couldn't refuse her. "Sure grandma." 

"Thank you so much. I remember the boy saying that it is his favourite t-shirt. I would've felt really bad if it was lost. What was his name again? Ahh, Cop. He lives in the complex just around the corner...apartment No. 20. " I took the bag from her and and walked away, still thinking if it's okay for me to barge there like this.

I reached the building and told the security the purpose of the visit. He let me in and I took the elevator to the 5th floor. As I got closer to the flat, I could smell that scent more and more.

Taking a deep breath, I raised my hand to knock on the door just as it opened. I yelped at the sudden movement and almost dropped the bag in my hand as the overpowering scent of pinewood and dark chocolate hit me but this time sharper than anytime I smelled it before,.

I looked up to see a handsome guy, An alpha~

"Hello?" He said

"Uh...hi. I'm here to return this t-shirt I had with me. I-I m-mean, I got it by mistake from the dry cleaners. Um...here." Please ground, swallow me up. His smell was taking its toll on me and I started sweating.

"Oh, okay. Thank for coming all the way to return it to me. Hey, aren't you Bas? 2nd year modelling?" He continued- "Would you to come in for a glass of water, you look tired. Are you okay?" Then I took the stupid decision to take up on his offer. He opened the door wider and I entered his apartment.

"Yes and you are Cop, third year photography ." I replied as he filled as glass of water. He turned and handed it to me. What a coincidence...we worked on our joint assignments together...

"Have a seat, I'll just keep my t-shirt in." He went to what I assumed was his room.

But as he opened that door, a wave of the same scent hit me like a punch, so hard that I fell back on the couch, not able to take the intensity.

I could feel my body heat up. Oh no, it's my heat. 2 days early. Damn it. I wanted to get out of the place but it was as if my legs became jelly, I couldn't move, just groan in pain and frustration. I felt slick drip out of me, messing up my cloths. I was getting dizzy in arousal. At that moment, my eyes locked with Cop, his eyes flashing gold.


That smell, Strawberries and vanilla. Where?...

Following the scent, I came out of my room to find Bas on the couch, groaning, the sweet scent emanating from him. Our eyes locked, his eyes flashing blue.

My omega is in heat.

Without noticing, I found myself beside him, inhaling the heavenly sweetness. His nimble hands reached up, grabbing my shirt and pulling me down.

"Touch me.." He whimpered. Oh, it was so tempting and so hard to control myself.

No snap out of it, It's Bas. You can't do it.


Okay so there obviously will be more of this story. Do you like this chapter?  Comment down below. I have ideas, might write a short, short book on this one if you guys like this...

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