Medical Emergency(PeteKao)

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Kao's POV

I was about to head to the break room for a coffee when I heard chaos. I saw the nurses rolling a stretcher and one running towards me informing about the emergency. An officer was shot. I immediately made my way to the ICU to operate and get the bullet out. 

After surgery (I don't know anything about surgeries so I didn't write about it, I don't want to be medically inaccurate)

The surgery was a success. I asked a nurse to check the patient's vitals every few hours. Pete, was his name. He was shot near the heart and could've died if not  brought in on time. I've performed countless surgeries and it would always be a little scary but this time I felt a fear I never felt before. I just shrugged it off and went on my rounds. After about 24 hours Pete regained consciousness, but slipped back. I looked after him during my round and found myself staying even after my shift was over to sit by his bed. After a couple days, he fully gained consciousness and I headed to visit him. I took a deep breath and entered his room.

He was halfway sitting on the bed, and still looked weak but awake nonetheless. 

"Hello, Pete, I'm your doctor." I greeted him.

"Hello, Doctor."

"Just call me Kao, so, how are you feeling?" I asked.

"New." He gave a slight smile. "I'm feeling okay? Still a little pain. When can I get discharged?" He asked.

"Not soon, As you know you took a bullet but you also suffered a concussion. So you need to stay for at least 2 weeks." He frowned. " And before you ask, your colleagues and a senior officer came in and I informed them about your condition and you have been granted a 4 week leave to recover." I continued.

"Thank you Kao." I gave a smile and took my leave to continue my rounds. This went on for 2 weeks, I would keep him company, visit him more often, take him to the garden on the wheelchair. There were lingering eye contact and feather-soft touches. 

After 2 weeks, it was time for him to go back. We bid our goodbyes and I was sad. In these past days Pete became an important part of my routine, I would see him for a significant time of my day. But I was happy that he's okay now.

"You may be discharged, but you still need to rest. If you have any problems, you can call me or you can come to the hospital and don't thank me again, you've said it enough." I said the latter part when I saw him open his mouth to thank me. Throwing his head back, he laughed and said, "I won't. See you later." And he got in his car, dropped off by his friend, and drove away.


Pete's POV

He's so cute. Ahrgggghhh. With these thoughts I got in my car and drove away. 

Staying at home with pretty much nothing to do was new and I was itching to go back to the station but Kao's part commanding part puting face would come in front of my eyes and I would stop myself from going out.

I really wanted to see him again but I didn't have any excuse. Then I came up with a plan. I remembered Kao talking about his love for sweet things (I know it's New but oh well) so I decided to get a bunch of sweets and take it to the hospital. I called him.

"Hi Kao." 

"Hey Pete, are you  feeling well? Is something wrong?" His concern made me wanted to melt.

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