Meeting Again (EarthMix)

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So...I am back. Its been a long long time since I last published anything, and I am horrible for that. Thank you all for still supporting my work, still commenting, and still loving my stories. A lot has happened over a year and a half, I started college and just finished my 2nd year, UI met a lot of people, who taught me a lot, in a good and a bad way. I grew from these experiences. So, in summary, after a bunch of drama, I thought only existed in shows, betrayal, and heartbreak, here I am, trying to write again. I want to reconnect with what I loved. I am not sure of what I have written this time, but I hope you guys enjoy it. I can't promise a regular schedule, but I will try to write as much as I could during this month

Thank you again for reading!


Mix was getting ready to meet his long-time friends. It had been quite a long while since they last met. Sure, they kept contact, but he still missed them. It was Friday night, so he stopped by his home to clean up and get ready. As he looked in the mirror to give final touches to his now gelled hair, he saw that he was almost late. He grabbed his phone and wallet and rushed out of the house.

He reached the restaurant where they were supposed to meet at and parked. As he entered the place, he looked around trying to find the group. He soon located them and made his way towards the booth they were occupying.  Wow, there are a lot of people...

"Hello everyone!!", He greeted them from behind. The not-so-loud atmosphere of the table turned to instant chaos as everyone started talking at once and made Mix sit between them. He could recognize most of them but some were still unfamiliar. 

"So Mix, how are you doing these days? Writing anything new?", P'Gun continued. " I really enjoy your work!!"

"Thank you for supporting my work P'!! I'm not supposed to say it but yeah I have been working on a new idea and I'm really excited about it." Mix responded.

"Oi Mix, you have been so busy, you didn't even have time to meet up before." Nammon said, suddenly appearing before them.

"Swa Dee Krap P', I'm sorry about that. These past few months have been super hectic. But I did keep in touch with you guys!!"

"Barely, I thought you would just forget about us." Nammon joked.

"P' please stop teasing me!"

"Ah okay okay, I'll stop now." He looked back and said, "Huh? where is Earth? He was right behind me when we entered..." 

P'Earth?!?!  It's been such a long time since I last saw him...

"Oh, here you are!  Where did you stray off?" Nammon questioned.

"I just went to the washroom, what happened?" Earth replied.

"Okay okay, sit down now, everyone was waiting for you." Earth slid in beside Mix and the chatter started again.

"Mix, long time no see. How have you been?" Earth asked.

P'Earth looks nice...Ai' Mix what are you thinking...ah's okay? He's always handsome, I'm just complimenting but...

"I've good P' and you sound like we haven't talked to each other at all. We were literally on phone a couple of days ago." Mix answered.

"I know but seeing someone face to face is different." 

These conversations continued for a while as everyone enjoyed the time together and drank. Slowly, people started leaving till only Mix, Earth, and Nammon were left.

None of them were really drunk as they were just sipping on their drinks.

"So Earth, what did you decide to do about your job?" Nammon asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2023 ⏰

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