Truth or Dare(SarawatTine)

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I'm so so sorryyyy for the late update.

Khor-Toad Ka~

P.S. There has been some technical issues. I'm really sorry for the inconvenience.


Tine's POV


That's the only word I could think of. "Listening to him is just heaven. I am mesmerized by his voice. The way those notes come out of his mouth, the way he plucks the strings on his guitar was as if he's stirring the strings of my heart..."

"Oii, you should just write a whole book of poems about him, you lovesick idiot ." Fong snickered. Did I say that out loud!?!?!

"Shut up, Ai Fong!" My friends jokingly started teasing me but I couldn't even bother. I was busy listening to his soulful voice with closed eyes.

"Tine?" The music had stopped but I was still absorbing what I heard.

"TINE!!" I snapped out of my daydreams with a harsh slap on my head.

"Huh?" I looked at Phuak who had hit me staring in front of him. I turned to see what had his attention and saw him standing at our table...

"Tine, was it?" He said my name. Wait...HE'S TALKING TO ME?!?! "I hope you liked my performance" Mentally face palming myself I Tried to respond as nonchalantly as possible.

" was cool." It was cool?? Ughhhh. He then walked away to pack his guitar.


Sarawat. Huh...

I was thinking about him as I walked to the university from my dorms because of my silly, breathtaking dreams. I reached the class when the lecture was just about to start and took my seat.

"Do you know a new guy is joining mid semester..." Fong whispered.

"Yeah. I heard he's in the humanities department." I didn't pay much attention to what they were talking about as the lecture started. The day dragged on like this till it was finally time for lunch. We got the food and took one of the canteen tables to sit. We were in the middle of our meal talking about our assignments when we were distracted by a commotion at the canteen gates. I was really hungry so I didn't pay any mind to it. All I could hear was girls squealing and shouting.

"Hey isn't it that guy who sings at the cafe we're regulars at?" Ohm said. I almost snapped my neck because of how fast I turned my head to look at the crowd. There he was, standing with his guitar on his back, giving his usual unconcerned expression. I quickly looked down as he moved his head to look in our direction.

"Tine are you okay?" Fong quietly asked me. "Y-yeah I'm fine." I answered. None of them knew that I actually had an epic crush on Sarawat. They always teased me as a joke. Only if they knew.

After lunch, I did not have any classes so I decided to go to the football field to watch the practice for the next match between Commerce and Humanities groups as Fong and Phuak played in the team as well. I sat at the stands enjoying the cool breeze watching everyone practice. From the corner of my eye, I saw someone come out from the lockers side.. but didn't pay mind to it, busy thinking about nothing in particular. Everyone stopped and turned to the person that just came. It was Sarawat. My jaw fell down as I saw Sarawat walking to the field in his Soccer jersey and loose shorts. It was truly a sight to behold. I didn't know he played soccer. Huiiiii... I was supposed to watch my friends and read some for my assignment but I didn't. I watched him practice the whole time. My eyes couldn't leave him even for a second. After the practice, I met my friends and decided to get food.

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