Just a Crush(OffGun)

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I'm back! Hello everyone. I decided to write an OffGun fic as they are everyone's ultimate ship. If you follow them tell me in the comments what do you think about them especially Gun's constant neck kisses to Off.

Hope you enjoy reading.

Also, this song...💗💗💜💜


Gun's POV

It was an ordinary day like any other. Getting ready for school, Attending classes, hanging out with friends and trying to avoid Off Jumpol, also trying to get over my crush on him. But I was definitely unsuccessful in taking care of the last part. I had just seen him at the cafeteria with his friends. He looks so good. I tried to make my staring as discreet as possible so that no one catches me especially Off. Apart from being my crush he is also the one person to tease and bully me. I never understood what I did to annoy him. But clearly my staring was not discreet enough as my friend New caught me. We quickly finished our lunch and started making our way to the class. The one I share with Off. 

"Gun?" New called me.


"You were staring at Off today. Again." He said, I knew this would happen.

"No, I wasn-" New glared at me, "Yes, I was..." I admitted.

"What do you even see in him, he never treats you properly." I could see New was frustrated.

"...",  "Leave it, I don't need to know, its gonna turn into an 'Off appreciation monologue'. Let's hurry, we'll be late"

We entered the class just on time just before the professor entered. Phew. The class went on and on. Finally it was about to be over and she made an announcement. We were to start our semester project and we had to do it in pairs. She also stated that she'll be appointing pairs this time and putting on the list by tomorrow. I was then only hoping to get paired with New or Oab, my only other good friend in this class who was fun enough to work with. Everyone thought that he had a thing for me but we cleared it among ourselves and he already had a boyfriend. Not many people knew about it. Hence, the frequent teasing. But both of us were okay with it and just ignored it. He was also the only person aside from New who knew about my crush on Off. The class ended with groans from many students. Finally. 

New had to go meet his boyfriend Tay leaving me to go home alone so I asked Oab to give me a ride. I was laughing at some corny joke Oab told while walking towards the parking lot and noticed Off with his friends. But his focus was not on them. I saw through the corner of my eye that he was staring at me. Why is HE staring at ME?!?!? When I looked back at him, he averted his eyes. But the angry glare hidden in them did not escape me. I was thinking about what I could have done to anger him when Oab brought me back from my mind.

"Off has been staring at you." He said, nonchalantly looking back.

"I know, he looks angry doesn't he? I don't know what I did to piss him." 

Suddenly Oab draped his arm around my shoulder. I didn't question it as it was normal between us. But what I couldn't understand was the smug expression he had while he looked towards Off. I turned back and saw Off rushing out of the parking lot. I threw Oab a questioning glance but he didn't say anything. He dropped me off at my room and went on his way. I completed my schoolwork and assignments and called it a night. Well, I tried to. I was thinking about the little incident at the  parking lot today. Was he jealous ?  I thought back and remembered Off giving that kind of look whenever I was with Oab. My heart jumped at the possibility. Don't be silly Gun, he doesn't even like you and not to forget he's also straight. He may just not like Oab either. With these thoughts, I fell asleep.

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