Library Affiars(OhmFluke)

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Hello Everyone, Long time no see. I know I'm a horrible person, Please forgive me....* pouting in Jinnie* 


I hope you all have an awesome year ahead and I hope you all are safe.

This chapter is on a request for OhmFluke.


Fluke's POV

It was another bright day, with sun shining, birds chirping. Opening the window, I could feel the soft wind brushing my face. Inhaling the fresh morning air, I got ready to head out.

I prepared for my work at the library and decided to take a detour to a nearby cafe I frequented, facing the park, for breakfast. I went in, greeting the cashier and ordering my usual. After collecting my food I went out, sitting on a park bench, enjoying the day, peacefully eating when I saw a small dog chasing  a butterfly. The dog finally stopped in front of me and planted himself at my feet. Behind him came, I assumed, his owner, panting from running to catch him. I immediately felt heat rushing to my face, looking at the handsome face in front of me. 

"Um, I'm sorry for my dog Cocoa!" He apologised.

"No, it's okay." I said, shaking my head and bending down to pet the dog, Cocoa's head. He crouched down to pet him with me  and  our hands accidentally brushed making me jerk away as I felt what I could only describe as a shock running through my palm. We stared at each other. The stranger was about to say something when my phone alarm suddenly rang reminding me that I had a job to get to. I quickly turned it off before hastily getting up mumbling something about getting to work to the man before making my way to the library near my house without looking back, wanting to hide my flustered self.


It was mid afternoon and there weren't many people around today for some reason so I decided to continue re-reading one of my favourite books, "The Red Thread".

(A/N: I included the red thread cause why not? It's also one of Fluke's favourite books and I have read the english translation and I also love it DUH. Okay back to the story)

As I was engrossed in the book, already lost myself in the characters, I jumped from my seat when I heard shuffling of feet and someone clearing their throat. I looked up to see the handsome guy from before. I was trying to calm myself down from the unintentional jump scare I got.

"Oh I'm sorry if I scared you!" The guy said.

"It's's not you fault, I wasn't paying attention." Silence.

"It's the second time we've met and the second time I apologised without knowing your name..." He trailed off and it took me a moment to process what he meant before I stuttered my name out.

"O-Oh, Fluke."

"I'm Ohm. Nice to meet you." He replied with a smile.

"So...what brought you here?" I attempted to start a conversation to break the awkwardness around me.

"I'm looking for something to read..." 

"I've never seen you here before. Have you recently started reading?" I asked professionally.

"Yeah...Someone suggested that I should start reading but I don't know where to start..." His expression made me think that he almost wanted to scratch his head in confusion. Cute.

"I can help you with that...what genre are you interested in? Fantasy, action, thriller-"

"Uh, Romance..." He blushed a little as he said it.

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