Chapter 17

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As jade and Kitana walked out threw a few fields together the sun started to fall behind the mountains. Jade stopped in the middle of a flower field which had a path way to go to. "So what know?" "Just wait until the sun falls completely behind the mountains and you will see." Kitana smiled and put her head on Jades shoulder. They sat there for a few more minutes and the sun fell as the stars began to come out. Kitana looked up at the sky as did Jade and they both smiled. "Wow just wow it looks beautiful, you were right, I love it" "I knew you would dear." Jade started to get something out of a side pocket she had on her hip.

Kitana: What are you doing babe?

Jade: Well you know how I used to be an assassin right.

Kitana: yea why.

Jade: well one day I had to kill this one women who lived somewhere in the mountains. Once I got there I couldn't kill her. It wasn't hesitation it was just that when I looked at her I could see pure fear and confusion. I ended up telling her what my job was and what I was supposed to do. She smiled and hugged me, tightly, then got up to go and get something out of a cabinet. She handed me a staff made a silver and war fans made of fabric and silver. She told me that one day I would give the war fans to someone special so they could be in the right hands. With lots of thought into what I have now I think you could have them, the war fans.

Kitana looked at Jades hands both were holding blue and silver fans that worked as daggers as well. Kitana grabbed the fans and examined them, then put them on her lap. "Thank you baby, I love them." Kitana said pulling down her mask to kiss Jade. They pulled back after a few minutes and giggled wail falling backwards to lay in the grass.

After about an hour or so they decided it was time to go back to the palace. As they walked they could hear noises behind them, like people. Kitana had her war fans out so they where open wail Jade pulled out her staff from a side pocket. Jade smiled seeing Kitana holding the fans in her hands ready to fight if they did. The noise got louder and louder until heads poked out of the grass.

...: who are you?!

Kitana: we are the future queens of outworld. Who are you?

The people came out of the grass holding weapons in their hands. They were unlike any other people though they were different. there was a slight pause "are names are Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Cassie, Jacqui, and Raiden." Kitana froze at those names, she knew two or three of them, one was her ex boyfriend.

As Kitana sat there in shock Jade took her hand and held it, tightly. "What is your names, there are two of you so one of you go first." Jade was thinking for a minute if they should make a run for it or stay here and talk to these people. "M-My name is Jade, the future princesses wife." Jade finished and looked at Kitana who had slight tears in her eyes. "My name is Kitana, the princess and one of the future queens of outworld."

Liu Kang: Kitana is that really you?

Kitana:...Yes Liu it is, it's been a long time.

Liu Kang: very very long time.

Kung Lao: Elder Gods I thought I would never see or hear you ever again, thank the gods your safe.

Kitana: *small laugh* thank you Lao it's good to know you are all ok as well.

Cassie and Jacqui: wait how do you all know each other!?

Jade: Babe what's going on?

Liu Kang and Kitana: We dated

Jade and Kung Lao: so you guys used to date, but then after that went with your same gender.......jinx! Dammit!

Everyone: *laughting like no tomorrow*

Liu Kang: ok ok let's all relax now,(still laughing). Well Um the reason we came here was to give you this.

Kitana and Jade walked up to the other group and took a piece of paper. It was a full moon tonight so it was very easy to see something or someone in the dark. As Kitana looked at the paper she smiled softly.

Kitana: so you and Kung Lao back there are getting married in two days. Good you you guys I'm so happy!

Kitana then jumped into Kung Lao and Liu Kangs arms hugging them both tightly.

Cassie: I'm still lost....what I got was the one wearing green is Jade, the one wearing blue is Kitana. Apparently you two dated, now she's with a women and your with a guy..... is that right?

Jacqui: *laughing* yup babe that's basically what's happening, kind of crazy.

Raiden:well we should all be going back to Earthrealm now. It was nice to see you again Kitana and also very nice to meet you partner Jade.

Kitana: wait before you all leave me and Jade are getting married in a week so.

Liu Kang and Kung Lao: hell yea we will be there.

With that they teleported back to earthrealm. Jade grabbed Kitana and pulled her into a hug and let a slight tear roll down her cheek. "Jade? You ok dear.....look I know it was a lot at once but hey we can talk about it later." Jade slightly moved her head next to Kitanas neck and said that could talk about all this later. They walked back to the palace and got into their room. As Jade began to get undressed and get into night wear she felt Kiana hug her from behind. "Dear I don't have a shirt or bra on *laughing*"

Kitana: I know you don't but your warm and I'm cold so yea.

Jade: I all bull on that your warmer then me and of anything your making me hotter.

Kitana put head in the back of Jades neck and smiled. She wanted to mess with Jade  and get Jade a little mad at her to see what would happen. Kitana began to slightly kiss Jades neck as Jade laughed softly. "B stop your gonna make me laugh." Kitana ignored this and kept going.

This went on for about another 15 minutes and then after that they went to sleep because one, Jade cased around Kitana for doing that to her, and two Kitana wouldn't stop teasing Jade until she was asleep.

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