Chapter 4

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As the two women walked down the royal garden jade stoped. "What's wrong jade?" Jade stayed silent at kitana's question and almost seemed to ignore it. Kitana noticed that jade was staring at a flower. "Do you like that flower?" "Y-yes princess"

As the day went on the two walked around the palace walls. "May I ask something princess?" "Uh yes go ahead."  "Why did you make me of all others your slave?" Kitana slowed her walk and made eye contact with jade. "For one it will be easier to free you that way and two......" Kitana paused at the end of the sentence and began to blush. "And.......And because I ummm." "Because you have feeling for me?" Kitana froze in the middle of her walking causing jade to stop as well. "Was I wrong princess?"

Kitana looked like a tomato she was so red. (To be honest I would to XD) "maybe...." "It's alright to admit your feelings princess." "BUT ITS UNNATURAL!" Jade froze as Kitana said that but began to hug kitana due to her her crying.
Kitanas POV
I raised my voice at her because I couldn't face my feelings towards her. Before I could apologize for my loss of temper I stated to cry all of a sudden and I couldn't stop even if I wanted to. As I sat next to the tree I felt two warm arms go around me and form a big bear hug.

As we both sat there for a good 30 minutes I started to get up as did jade. We both needed to get up and stretch are legs again.
                         Jade POV
When I saw kitana crying I went to her side quickly and held her, feeling sorry for her. We sat there for about 30 minutes but I did not mind in the slightest way. I felt safe around the princess and I think she feels safe around me. She stated to move and I followed what she was doing. As soon as my legs were  up that's when I realized why we needed to get up. (Legs cramping, and legs going to sleep)

Ok so this chapter is shorter then usual but hear me out. I have two swollen fingers, planning a party for Halloween, therapist (therapy), and school. So as you can see I'm busy busy busy busy. Another thing I wanted to say is I am 100000000000000000% against slavery I wrote that because they are in that damn timeline. So please don't attack me in any way I am not in the mode nor am I in the mental state to get into a argument  position.   

Ok, I hope y'all enjoyed this stay sweet stay beautiful and stay safe.♡︎

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