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Pov Zelda

As I read today's newspaper I hear someone else coming into the room when I look up to see who it is I see Archie.

"Good evening Mrs. Spellman, I'm sorry for bothering you, they only came here to retrieve some papers I had forgotten here."

"Archie, call me Zelda, we've known each other for years now."

Archie nodded with a small smile.

He has always been a very shy boy in fact precisely because of this shyness of him he never managed to declare his feelings for Ambrose. Everyone around them understood the situation aside from Ambrose, I wonder how my nephew could have been so blind all these years.

I always thought that if the two of them got together they would make a good couple.

After the boy has retrieved his papers and leaves the kitchen, I turn to the clock to see what time it is. I wonder what happened to my sister left early this morning to go to the Kinkle house and no one saw her since.

Soon after she heard the sound of the front door opening I deduced it must be my sister when she arrived in the kitchen I said "You're finally back! What happened at the Kinkle house to make you late like this?"

Hilda came to sit in the chair next to me she looked really exhausted and after sitting down and recovering she sadly replied "Rosalind is sick, really very sick".

We just needed this to happen too as if we didn't have enough problems already.

"What is it about ?"

She replied that the girl by the end of the year is slowly destined to lose her sight completely and not only.

When I asked her what we could do to help her Hilda she replied that she wasn't sure if we could help her in any way unless we understand the exact cause of her discomfort.

"Were you at least able to get some idea of ​​the origin of her illness?" I asked her.

Hilda replied "I'm sure the origin of her evil is not mortal but magical, I don't know yet what or who caused it but I will find out this is a promise. I will do everything in my power to help that girl . "

I stretched out my hand to my sister's and shook it "You won't be alone sister, we'll do it together!"

We have faced worse in the past, we will overcome that too. Later there was silence between us both committed to thinking about the same thing or rather the same person.

There was no need to ask Hilda who she was thinking about, just looking at her gaze for an answer.

With melancholy eyes my sister asked me "What do you think Sabrina would have done if she had been in our place?"

I told her that most likely her primary goal would be to help her friend of hers and that most likely while she was doing it she would get into some trouble and then ask her cousin for help to fix things.

Just thinking about it we both smiled and then Hilda exclaimed "Zelda I miss our little girl!"

With shining eyes she replied "Me too sister."


Pov Archie

After retrieving those documents, I greet Zelda again and head to the basement.

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