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Pov Nicholas

After the conversation with Bartzabel he left the room dazed.

I arrived in her room as if I had been under hypnosis.

She couldn't figure out why I was there, I looked around and saw Salem on Sabrina's bed.

I sit on the bed next to him and caress him gently. "Hey little one, what are you doing here too? Shouldn't you be with your mistress?"

I continued to cuddle him in total silence.

Thinking back to what I had seen in that room, while I was answering Bartzabel's questions I noticed on the table among all the scattered sheets one in particular. One who had a very familiar seal could not understand what was written on it, but I knew for a fact that that seal was from Morningstar.

Bartzabel hadn't escaped that something had caught my attention but I pretended it was nothing as if nothing had happened.

How was Sabrina involved in all of this?

You probably know what happened here in Greendale these days and it is highly possible that you are behind Bartzabel's intervention here.

There is nothing to be surprised about is typical of Sabrina, although she does not want to come here in person she puts someone to make her her place that she trusts her.

Even if Sabrina has rebuilt a new life, she will always remain tied to this place, in the same way that I will always remain tied to her.

Over the years I have tried countless times to forget it and move on but nothing to do. By now I have understood that that sweet rebellious little witch from my heart will never go away again and I feel that it is the same for her too.

She heard blows on the port and entered Ambrogio through the door.

"Hey Scratch, we've been looking for you everywhere, I certainly wouldn't have expected to find you here."

"Why not? I have so many good memories here." I replied to Ambrose, moving my gaze towards Salem.

"It is the only bond we have left with her, but as the years have gone by Salem has become more and more nostalgic he is no longer himself. We fear that if he does not reunite with her in the very soon future he will not be able to bear it anymore. the estrangement. "

"Why didn't Sabrina take him away with her?" I asked Ambrose.

"We don't know either."

No one can imagine how sad I am to learn of this Salem emotional state.

As if he were tying my mind, Salem jumped into my arms and with his nose seemed to thank me for understanding.

He came closer to me as if to receive consolation.

"We haven't talked for a long time, how are things going?"

"Pretty good. What about Ambrogio instead of you?"

He replied that apart from the events of the latest events, everything was going pretty well.

"Can I ask you a question?"

After I told him that she could she asked me "I know you and she were very close, by any chance she confided something to you before she left?"

I wish she had, in that case I would have tried to stop her.

I told him that in the last period Sabrina was still here, relations between us were frozen. Afterwards Ambrose nodded that he understood, maybe I should tell him about my suspicions about Bartzabel?

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