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Now arrived at the destination where Harry and I had made an appointment because he had told me he had important news on this case.

Before I entered the entrance, I noticed that the door was already open and a bad feeling pervaded my whole body.When I entered the house I started towards the living room and there I saw a lake of dying blood on the ground Harry ran to his rescue.

'' Who is responsible? ''

In a feeble voice he whispered "I don't know".

'' Listen Harry hold on now I'm going to ask for help '' he with a quick movement of his hand held me back and said '' it's too late for me now. ''

I desperately begged him '' don't leave me '' staring at him I noticed that it was more and more difficult to breathe and I confessed to him '' you are the most important person in my life if you leave me I will be lost. ''

'' Don't say that Archie you still have a long life ahead of you that is worth living '' while he was saying his last words I noticed the suffering in his face.

'' What am I supposed to do here is there nothing for me? '' I asked Archie.

'' Archie ... love is the only thing worth fighting for in this life and I think we both know who your heart belongs to. ''

'' My friend, we both know well that he does not reciprocate the same feelings towards me. ''

With his last remaining strength he said again '' love is the greatest strength of a person but at the same time it is also the greatest weak point ... ''

'' What do you mean Harry? ''

'' Sabrina's biggest weaker is her love for the people around her. ''

I was surprised at these words and asked Harry "Sabrina ??"

'' She is the reason for this witch hunt towards you '' and before she inhaled her last breath she said again '' if you want to understand you have to go to her and everything will be clearer. ''

Her breathing stopped.

'' Please Harry '', I implored once more they leaned over him and he dropped them on me. '' Please open your eyes for me? Please...''


'' Archie? Are you with us? ''

'' Yes ​​Ambrose, only I still can't believe he is gone. ''

To comfort me Ambrose put an arm around my shoulders and said '' I can't imagine what you're feeling right now I know you were very close. ''

'' I realize only now that despite the dangers he has always helped me while I have never really managed to return the favor. ''

I felt the world collapse on me and as if a part of me was no longer there and that he was gone together. This is not the time to cry but to act if I wanted to repay him for everything he had done for me I had to stop all this madness.

'' Ambrose we must not allow those who oppose us to get away especially after Harry gave his life to tell me what he knew to help us and then die. ''

Surprised he asked me '' what did he tell you? ''

'' In a nutshell Harry before he died told me he had discovered the cause of this conflict. ''

'' What about? ''

'' He murmured that people do everything out of love for someone else. ''

Ambrose hesitantly asked me '' what do you mean? ''

'' He told me that if I wanted to end this conflict, the key to doing it is Sabrina. ''

Ambrose seemed to fall from the clouds took a moment and then exposed his doubt '' do you want it to be his fault that they want to kill us now? ''

'' Most likely yes, but I think you are not aware of what is going on here. ''

Ambrose gave me a confused look.

'' What makes Archie think you're unaware of the situation? ''

Before she died, Harry said that Sabrina's weak point is the love of her loved ones, which she would do anything for those she loves. Is this observation correct about you? ''

'' This is precisely his description precisely because of this characteristic has dragged us into trouble more than once. ''

'' From what you say she would never let anything happen to you. What I wonder if she was aware of the question why didn't she come to your aid? ''

Ambrose gets up from the sofa and starts pacing up and down the rough room.

After what seemed like an eternity, he stops and turns to me, telling me.

"I have to tell you something about my cousin."

'' I'm all ears ... ''

'' The day she disappeared she had told me that I had nothing to worry about the question that she had done something about it to put an end to the worries '' with a trembling voice added this thought '' and if this was the case because of his departure? ''

'' The only way to find out is to go directly to the source and ask them. ''

Ambrose began to stare at me, trying to understand if he had understood the true meaning of my sentence.

'' Yes ​​Ambrose. The two of us will go to hell to pay a visit to your cousin and whether she likes it or not she must give us the answers to our questions. ''

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