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Pov Sabrina

"Frost, are you sure you want to do this?"

I sighed and replied to Josh "It doesn't matter if I want to do it or not I have to do it anyway regardless of my will."

Josh stepped forward until he reached the front door, the metallic sound of the door opening ringing in my ears.

I began to walk towards the entrance of the cell, Josh elegantly held the door open to let me in, once inside I glimpsed the prisoner from afar.

When I saw him I almost felt sorry for him, it made a certain impression to see that man in chains isolated from the rest of the world in this dark cell, despite the fact that I still carried the marks of what one of his men did to me.

The latter looks up in my direction always in total silence begins to stare at me.

He understood that with his eyes he was asking me to have a moment of privacy just the two of us.

"Josh can you leave us alone for a moment, please?"

I turned to him and saw his expression of disagreement but I invite him to give us a moment to talk for ourselves.

After he left, I started our conversation.

"Your jailers have indicated to me that you have something to say but that you only want to share your information with me. So I ask you not to waste my time because I am a very busy woman."

With a mocking smile he replied "I already knew that yours is precious. I don't dare to imagine how much effort and time you have to put into your profession, so I'll quickly get to what you want to know."


"I think you want to know who let us in?"

"Think carefully!" I answered coldly to his statement.

"Then I'm sorry to disappoint you but that's not the kind of information I can give you I would never betray the one who did us this favor."

As I should have already imagined it was a complete waste of time with all the things going on here and what is happening in Greendale I really don't have time to waste keeping up with his mental tricks.

As I was turning to leave that cell, I stopped abruptly because of the words spoken by the hunter that caught my attention.

"Since you're leaving, I guess you don't want to know why we're here."

I replied immediately "Of course I want to know but thinking about it why should I believe your words? Who tells me that you are telling me the truth hunter?"

"In fact you shouldn't but in the end who should you really trust? Your stepmother? The Dark Lord by chance? Or one of your lackeys that you find around you?"

He was not entirely wrong ...

I sat down and posed to listen to what he had to say.

"The real purpose of our trip to hell was to end the house, but for the one who helped us break in here his only goal was to kill your father. His intent was not to harm you."

His words are not of any help to me because in these parts there is no living being who does not want my father's death. Even my brother and I want him dead despite having the same blood.

Not to mention my stepmother and every other member of the infernal court hated him.

Nicholas is the one who hates him the most as he doesn't blame him after everything he's been through because of him.

Thinking about it if he had never met me he would never have experienced what he went through.

"As you well know, many people wish the worst for my father. In a nutshell, what you said to me is of no use to me. If you have nothing else to say, I'll go ..."

He said, "May I add that whoever has been to help us must be someone who knows this place very well. Someone who has lived here for a long time and has free access everywhere. Can't you think of any possible suspicions?"

Reflecting on what he says it makes sense the area in which they entered I do not know many in reality only five people are aware of it.

I certainly know that I have done nothing of the kind. I doubt my dad sabotages himself like that and I don't think Josh has anything to do with it.

We exclude Lilith. In a moment a light bulb went on there is only one suspect on the list with that awareness I start to miss my breath.

Now many very strange things entail becoming clear now that I know the reason.

"Unlike your father, you were saved only by a stroke of luck."

"The truth is you had the opportunity to kill me but you failed."

"Really? Do you really think about what you are saying?"

He looked back at me and said, "For people to stop believing in God, you just need to be able to hurt him. And the waters will be stained with blood and the sharks will come."

While I was listening to the threat made by the hunter a very familiar feeling comes back to visit me a twinge of pain in the chest starts to haunt me.

"The beauty of the situation is that I will be sitting here watching as the world devours you and put an end to the house of the Morning Star once and for all."

At this moment the only thing that occurred to me to answer was "Where are you going to be watching me from? Oh yeah, from a prison cell."

With this I get up and head towards the exit but then I am stopped by the last words he addresses to me "Little Morningstar! I hope that your doctor has treated your wound properly ..."

How the hell does he know?

"You know mithril hurts the heart. It's a painful death."

I leave that place without giving an answer. I walk towards the long corridor and walk up the stairs that lead me to Josh who is waiting for me.

"How did it go?"

Do not make any answer to his question keep walking tirelessly I feel his presence following me and I hear his voice calling me back.


All the worries of the last few days, the feelings of guilt and all the negative feelings I have experienced over the years resurface in my mind.

The heart starts beating wildly then that painful sensation in the chest returns stronger.

The air in the lungs begins to fail and then completely faint and everything went dark.

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