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Pov Sabrina

The pleasant confusion that surrounded me makes me forget the sad thoughts of the past few days.

It is electrifying to stay there in the midst of so many people so concentrated in the work on setting up the various decorations in the room.

Oh! Here is who appears, the direction of the works or Rebecca I want to converse with her.

I approach her. "Hi Rebecca, what fabulous ideas you have for this occasion. I love those centerpieces not to mention those silver lamps."

"I am very happy to have your approval, I was inspired by your memorable events."

"I'm flattered by your attention."

I look around then Rebecca asks me "How many guests will there be?"

Not knowing how to answer the questions, I turned around and with a look I invited my brother to come closer.

"Goffredo we want to know how many people there will be."

As usual when asked about something he panics, before answering he checks his folder.

"235 guests not counting our family. It's all confirmed attendance."

I turn to Rebecca and ask her "Which table arrangement do you think is best suited to this number of people?"

"I had thought of these solutions: three imperial tables or circular tables with only one oval table for the royal family."

I look at the proofs Rebecca gave me and I found the second proposal more appropriate, once my preference was communicated she wrote it down in her notebook.

"As for the menu for the evening, how do we proceed?"

He replied that he had not yet made any decision on the matter because he was waiting for my opinion on the matter.

I saw my brother begging me to entrust this task to him but I nodded no.

"Why don't you want to trust me for once? I feel up to the task."

I replied "The last time I assigned you a similar task, we just missed the evening going awry."

Goffredo replies "Yes, but in the end it didn't happen and then I managed to manage the situation very well. I was good."

I gave him an uncertain look.

"Please don't exclude me too! My mother already considers me a lost cause, I want to learn to be as good as you. Please, little sister, leave me this responsibility."

I turned to Rebecca and asked her in a low voice if there is anything else that we can assign to him, which is not too demanding and essential, she replies that Goffredo could support her in managing the preparations and that he took all responsibility for the possible consequences.

I communicate the news of my decision to my brother who welcomed it with great joy and hugged me for.

I hope I will not have to regret this decision in the near future.

I turned to Rebecca one last time before dismissing her and said "As for the music, will I take care of the rest?"

He nodded and returned to his duties.

Meanwhile, my brother was still hugging me and I invited him to let me free. Later the hunter's words came back to my mind.

"Are you aware of what happened to our father?"

If before he was all smiling in the face, now I have read on his face worry and fear.

He slowly nodded his head.

After we leave the crowd I tell him "To keep you informed of the situation I wanted to warn you that we have a traitor among us."

Still with the same frightened look on his face he replied "How can you be so sure?"

Just thinking about this situation I get agitated, I took a deep breath to calm myself and explain my reasons "someone inside. Third only someone very close to us could have known that you could enter that side of the building."

Throughout my speech, I never stopped observing my brother who had always kept his eyes on the floor. I wonder what he's hiding, I pray he hasn't done anything stupid.



He looked up at me.

"You know you can tell me anything, right?"

He nodded silently.

"I'm serious! Even if it's something very bad or stupid."

"Sabrina I have to tell you something ..." is the moment of truth "I ..." before he could finish the sentence we were interrupted by Caliban.

"My lady what good wind brings you here?"

I curse the day in which I decided to grant him the grace, every day that passes I do nothing but silently reproach myself for this stupid decision.

If I had left him there imprisoned in stone I would have spared myself as much trouble as my father's disapproval, even if he was right then, by Lilith, and not to mention half-courts expressing doubts or complaints about his release.

I answer him in a cold and very detached way "I work, you know how it is? Guests, decorations, buffets, various entertainments, in short, an avalanche of things to decide."

With his usual opinionated and dazzling smile he turns to me "I can't wait to admire my beautiful sovereign at the upcoming ceremony."

A flash hit me, and I realized at that moment that he too was invited. So I shot my brother a reproachful look.

I should have expected him to do something unwelcome. I trust that poultice too much.

I replied to Caliban "We'll see I might have the dance book already full!"

Then he said, "I just have to hope to have at least the honor of getting a dance with you, even more than one."

Without giving me the opportunity to reply, he went away, once I was away I turned to Goffredo.

"But what's always going on in your head? One initiative more beautiful than the other!"

Trembling Godfrey lowered his gaze while I continued to scold him.

"Congratulations! Other than entrusting yourself with other responsibilities, look what you have done, the only person you shouldn't have invited will be there first! How do you think you can justify yourself? Now I'll have to bear it all evening."

"When you entrusted me with this task, you didn't give me any indication, on the contrary you liquidated me in a few seconds because you had to speak to Bartzabel, so you didn't tell me not to invite him!"

In saying these words he had never dared to use that tone of voice in my presence.

"You could have got there. Everyone knows I can't stand it, even insects know."

When he was about to answer I dismissed him saying "Go get some rest so your brain clears and when you wake up you can come up with a decent idea."

I watched him go disconsolately.

Oh here's Bartzabel let's see if he calms me down with some positive results.

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