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Pov Zelda

I stare at the clock that strikes past twenty-three and there is no trace of Sabrina.

This morning there was the usual weekly meeting of the coven to take stock of the situation but she did not show up as usual. We haven't heard from her since this morning at breakfast, but when that girl arrives she will have to give ample explanations.

I was attracted by the shrill of the door opening I got up from the sofa in the living room and I saw Sabrina appear who seemed tired.

Who knows what she will have done now to be so upset?

You attracted her attention by saying "Good evening, Sabrina! Is it possible to know where you have been? Above all to explain to me why you didn't show up at the academy today?"

"Honestly, Aunt, I don't see the need for my presence at those useless and boring meetings we always have."

As always, my niece takes everything for granted and doesn't care about anything she thinks is not about her.

"My dear young lady, your presence is necessary as a member of this coven that you remember to be a part of only when you get into yet another mess you are up to. It is your sacred duty to participate in the life of the coven."

"It is not at all true what you say aunt, on more than one occasion I have helped to save this coven and I sincerely believe that your attitude towards me is unfair."

It leaves me speechless ...

"I must remind you my dear how many times we have had problems because of you and your vain displays of power."

From his expression he knew that my comment struck a nerve.

"Sabrina ... I don't really think what I said ..."

He smiled bitterly and said, "Instead what you said is just what you think Aunt. It hurts me that you think I don't care about the future of the coven, because I do, just the kind of involvement you expect I can't give it to you. "

I tried to bite my tongue but the words came out anyway.

"Of course, as I said before, you only think about yourself! Not to mention the fact that every time you engage in one of your personal missions someone is always in danger of dying."

"It was never my intention to hurt anyone my purpose has always been the opposite."

Because of the anger I was feeling at that moment, I let slip a sentence that I should never have said.

"If I had known earlier that you are such a source of catastrophe I would have left you to your mother's family maybe they would have been able to control you."

She instantly repented of the words she said, I knew very well that by saying those words to her I would have hurt her in a really deep way.

"You know what I tell you aunt: if my presence here causes you all this annoyance then I will free you of my presence. I assure you that this will be our last meeting."

I was speechless from what she said and above all bewildered by the anger with which she said them. Meanwhile, those words resound continuously in my mind I see her go out the door and as promised I never saw her again in the following years.

She didn't even give me time to apologize for what I said to her, not even to say goodbye one last time, leaving me with the guilt that continues to devour me every day.




When I think back to that evening my heart still hurts, I still wonder how I could have said such cruel words to the girl I consider to be my daughter.

The memory of the look she gave me when I told her I should never have consented to raise her here with us still haunts me today.

The feelings of guilt still devour me today, but now is not the time to cry for the choices of the past I have to think about the future I have to understand what is happening instead with my nephew Ambrogio. I have already lost a daughter I will not make the same mistake again I will not lose a son too.

He left the living room and I saw Ambrose accompany his friend to the interview, when he turned his gaze towards me I motioned him to join me the moment of truth has arrived.

A few moments later I saw him enter the room and he sat down right in front of me with his eyes cast down to the floor.

"I'm afraid it's time to speak for us Ambrogio. Where do you want to start?"

With a fake smile he replied "I don't understand what you're talking about aunt ...". As usual, my nephew underestimates me, he thinks I don't understand when he lies.

"You know very well what I'm referring to! Now to avoid wasting time unnecessarily start telling me why your friend came back."

Resigned Ambrose told me the whole development of the events that had taken place from the beginning.

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