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'' Ambrose where Archie went? '' I replied that he told me tomorrow that he had to go talk to a friend about what had happened and how to behave in the future.

These days I often find myself thinking about how I ended up in a similar situation and that it was quite predictable that the truth would come out sooner or later. I was awakened by my thoughts of my aunt Zelda who called me to speak already I was shaking Although I had a few centuries behind me I was shaking like a leaf when my aunt called me by name in that tone.

When he arrives in his study he invites me to sit down and says to me '' listen, I know that sometimes I can seem a bit severe but you will never have to doubt that I love you. ''

I say 'with this speech where do you want to go? '' She replies '' I want to get to the fact that if there is something you want to tell me, this is the time to do it. ''

'' Auntie, I'm not hiding anything from you! I don't know the reasons that those strangers had to attack us. ''

'' In my life I have not had the good fortune to have my children but you and Sabrina are as if you had been for me. For this reason, I pray that you will not follow the example of your cousin who has chosen to leave without saying a word, leaving only one miserable letter, in which she told us that she had done it for us. ''

And here is the bomb that compares me to my cousin, I knew he would use it to make me talk. '' Listen aunt I swear to you that I did nothing to attract this massacre. ''

She nodded and said, "Go see what Nicholas is like and go to rest as you need it while I will ask the survivor a few questions when he wakes up."

'' Supertiste? ''

'' Yes ​​Ambrose. One of your attackers is still alive. ''

At that moment I realized that when he woke up and my aunt will interrogate him, he could reveal information that he shouldn't have and if my aunt in case he knew about everything I did and that I had involved Sabrina at the time I dare not imagine what could happen.

I go upstairs and look into the room where Nicholas is. '' How is Nicholas? '' Hilda turns to me and answers me '' she is fine now I think she will wake up in a few hours. Ambrose can we talk? ''

Here we start the second round.


'My dear, I know you've been keeping a secret for a long time and I understand the fact that you want to keep this secret to protect the people you care about but I don't understand the fact that you don't trust your family. ''

'' Aunt is not that I don't trust you, I just don't want ... ''

'' Dear, what do you not want to do? ''

Almost without realizing it, the tears begin to fall on my face "I don't want to endanger anyone for my mistakes".

'' Honey this time, things went well ... Nicholas will recover soon and you and Archie are fine. Try to calm down. ''

'' Aunt I can't stand this situation anymore ... '' I say exasperated.

Now Hilda took on a worried expression and said "treasure" what situation are you talking about? You know she can tell me everything if she can calm you down. I promise you I won't say anything to my sister. ''

''I do not know what to do''.

My aunt accompanies me to the door of my room when we enter tries to calm me.

'' Let's do this if this secret is so important you will only tell me what you feel like telling me '' concluded the sentence with a smile.

I nodded then with a deep breath I began to tell her what I have been feeling for years '' something that happened many years ago that included both me and Archie was discovered by people and now they are looking for revenge. ''

My aunt remained impassive in front of these words.

'' And it's not even the worst part of the story. ''

He hugged me tight and asked me '' what are you referring to? What happened? ''

'' At a party in an accident people died aunt. ''

Hilda is whitening I noticed that she is trying to hiss words but she can't.

'' I hope you can forgive me after what I'm about to tell you '' he stared at me oddly but I decided to continue anyway '' that evening in an attempt to cancel what we had done I involved Sabrina. She was still so small, but this was not even known to Archie at the time. ''

'' Ambrose I don't know what to say ... ''

'' You don't have to say anything what I've done is without excuses. And even for days I have been thinking about something. ''

''What are you thinking about?''

A few hours before Sabrina disappeared she had told me about the fact that she had sorted things out. And thinking about it now it seems very strange to me that he had brought up the subject on that occasion after almost one after it had happened. ''

It is indeed strange that she mentioned it on that occasion but it could also be just a coincidence. As for the present, how do you plan to proceed? ''

"I don't know and that's why Archie left earlier. He told me he had to talk to someone about it."

She nodded and before another sentence could be heard, the ringtone on a cell phone was mine, I took the phone and put the speakerphone on. '' Archie ready, is everything okay? ''

'' Ambrose is dead ... '' as he said from the voice it was clear that he was desperate. My aunt and I looked at each other in disbelief and rested '' who died? ''

'' Ambrose we have no escape, they have found us and they will kill us all as they did with Harry.'' 

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