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I woke up with a big headache and opened my eyes and I was in my room in the B & B. Time to focus on the situation and just to try to remember how I had gotten there in that place a excruciating pain hit my head.

I had breakfast, got dressed and left the facility to go on errands and then go against my target Ambrose.


I entered the academy and saw many decorations probably for that party that Nicholas had mentioned. I went around, said goodbye to old friends, said goodbye to the high priestess and finally entered a classroom and there I saw him.

I recognized him right away and turned his back he was talking to Malvin and another guy I don't know. I ambushed him from behind his shoulders in a while he was about to fall, I helped him to get back in balance and we embraced .


We said goodbye, he introduced me to other sorcerers during the party, we drank and ate and we discussed more and less apart from what I had come a long way.

After the evening we helped to clean and now the time had come to face the matter. We went to a slightly more secluded place and he offered me a drink then the bomb went off.

'' It is useless to go around it. A sect that calls itself the Dark Shark want to avenge themselves for what we did that day, I came to know a week ago from a close collaborator ''.

Ambrose looked at me dumbfounded and at the same time frightened. After a couple of minutes he asked me '' how did they find out that we are the culprits? '' And I replied '' I have no idea ''.

'' Because there were only five of us who knew about the episode, and I know it wasn't you, '' he said to me. '' any trace left of what happened. ''

'' You are probably right, it remains only to understand who the mole is '' Ambrose replies '' because for sure George and ... '' there was a squeak of the door.

'' Did you hear it? '' I ask in a low voice I saw Ambrose nod in silence. I went to check and nobody was there.

We kept talking, '' I was saying ... because if they didn't do it, they too are in danger and we should warn them too and draw up a plan together. ''

'' Impossible if not one of them how the hell did they find out about that thing. By the way, did George, Harry, and ... who else Ambrose know? ''

He stared at me and said "of few things I'm sure and one of them is that my cousin would never have betrayed me at least not on this".

I looked at him stunned. '' You involved Sabrina ??? ''.

Ambrose stares at me and nodded.

The conversation between the two accomplices continued but not for long but without realizing that there was a silent listener.

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