CHAPTER 4 || cat sitting

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Jimin exhaled as he grabbed his work bag before checking his watch , he walked to the living room where hoseok was chasing his tail on his fours

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Jimin exhaled as he grabbed his work bag before checking his watch , he walked to the living room where hoseok was chasing his tail on his fours . The boy halted and titled his head "where are you going?" He asked

The older sighed "work" he replied , hoseok frowned , Jimin had already explained that he had to go to work everyday to make a living which surprisingly the younger understood quite well "when are you coming back?" He asked , Jimin chuckled "don't worry , I called over a couple friends to keep you company" he assured the boy

As if I'm cue the doorbell rang , Jimin walked to it with hoseok trailing behind . The older could hear whispering and shuffling behind the door , he rolled his eyes and pulled it open

"Hi hyung" taehyung grinned showing off his perfectly odd boxy smile , the older nodded looking over at jungkook who was too busy staring at hoseok "he's the catboy you told us about" his eyes glimmered and a smile decorated his freatures

"He's so cute hyung" taehyung cooed , jimin hummed in agreement "he is"

Jungkook stretched out his hand towards the boy "hi , my name is jungkook" he chirped , hoseok hid behind Jimin and hissed . They were a bit taken back by this and flinched

"It's okay hoseok" Jimin assured , the younger was a bit skeptical but crawled up to him and licked his cheek "my name is hoseok" he says , Jungkook gulped "h-hyung he j-just licked me" he face turned into a dark pink colour

Jimin chuckled "that's how he greets people I guess" taehyung bumped his arm and smirked "you're blushing" he teased , jungkook glared at him but it wasn't as threatening now that his face was completely red "no I'm not" he defended

Jimin rolled his eyes at their antics "hurry up and come in before I change my mind and let someone else take care of him" after hearing that the two quickly shuffled inside without hesitation and started pushing Jimin out of his own home "don't you have somewhere to go? Shooo" they waved him off before closing the door in his face

Jimin took a deep breath "I'll kill them when I get back" he said to no one In particular as he watched his driver pull into the driveway

"Did you bring the thing?" Jungkook asked , taehyung nodded "how could I forget" hoseok's eyes went back and forth between the two as he sat comfortably on the ground waiting for either of them to pounce because he didn't trust them

Suddenly a sweet aroma stopped his ranging thoughts , he sniffed the air and his eyes darted around until they landed on taehyung who had a fish snack in his palm "here you go" he stretched out his hand but Hoseok turned his head with a pout "no" he muttered

Taehyung shrugged "maybe he doesn't like this one , pity I brought a whole bag" hoseok's eyes widened and he whipped his head around , they both smirked looking down at the boy who's tail appeared and started waving around while his ears stood up assertively

"Here" taehyung placed back the treat into the back and placed it in front of Hoseok "eat from the bag if you don't want to eat from me" he says , hoseok took it up and sniffed the bag while starring at both the boys so that they wouldn't try anything funny

He gulped and slowly reached his hand into the bag pulling out a weird looking blue cracker that shaped like a fish , he reached it up to his lips before plopping it into this mouth then later chewing

Taehyung and jungkook watched as his eyes widened and his eyes started glowing for a split second before returning to normal , hoseok ended up eating the whole thing and drinking a bowl of milk that jungkook provided him

Hoseok was still skeptical but he slowly began to trust them after countless treats and the petting he got , he realized they were good humans said overtime like Jimin , not bad like his old master that threw him away

"Hobi look at this" taehyung pointed at the red dot on the floor Hoseok was uninterested until he saw it move , his eyes widened then it moved again and again , he suddenly had the urge to chase it so he did on his fours

Taehyung and jungkook closed their eyes when they saw sudden beam of light shining from Hoseok almost blinding , seconds after when they had felt it was gone they opened their eyes

Hoseok was gone , nowhere to be seen

Only his clothes on the floor

Their eyes widened "where is he?" The asked in sync , they immediately got up and started searching the house "Hobi where are you?" They called "we have treats , if you come out well give it to you" jungkook said looking under jimin's bed but a sudden airy feeling made him look behind him

There he was licking his paw while staring jungkook straight in the eyes "Hobi is that you?" He asked , for some reason jungkook could swear he saw the cat squint it's eyes then after he heard a meow that sounded a little feisty

"I'll take that as a yes" jungkook said followed by a small chuckle "taehyung I found him" he shouted , no longer than a few seconds the blonde came running into the room "Hoseok what was that light? and how did you disappear? do you have powers we don't know about" he ranted as his eyes darted around the room in search of the boy but he didn't see him

Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows looking down at jungkook "I thought you said you found him kook we can't be joking around Jimin hyung is going to crush our balls I for one like my bal-" he was cut off when he felt something soft brush his leg

His eyes slightly widened when he looked down and saw a cat that believe it or not looked  similar to Hoseok , it took a second for it to click in taehyung's head "he turned into a cat" he said , jungkook nodded chuckling after "that beam of light we saw must be when he transformed and it explains why his clothes were on the floor"

The rest of the day was spent with them playing around with Hoseok and giving him treats , all parties enjoyed this , eventually Jimin came home and they bid their goodbyes to their fellow feline friend

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