CHAPTER 21 || be quiet

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Jimin knocked on the door several times "open the door jackass" he shouted as hoseok anxiously awaited to see yoongi as he hasn't seen him in a couple of days , after a few seconds of silence the door was opened and by someone they didn't expect

"Snow?" Jimin's eye's widened , she smiled "hello" Hoseok wasn't phased as he could smell her as soon as he stepped out of the car "hi snowie" he hugged her the only reason being that he wanted to feel her soft breasts against his face and marinate in her comforting motherly smell

Jimin quickly realized this and pulled hoseok by the back of his hoodie to make him step away from her , he pouted while snow chuckled "if you don't mind me asking what are you doing here?" Jimin cocked a brow

"I came to visit my dad" she said nonchalantly, jimin took a few steps back to look at the house number that was #64 , so this was indeed yoongi's house "min yoongi?" He asked stepping forward again , she nodded

Why didn't he realize all this time , she noticeably resembles yoongi , her face structure and jawline , they were almost identical . Was he so oblivious?

"Aren't you going to come in?" She asked , hoseok already dashed past her sniffing his way to yoongi before she even finished talking

"Are you coming in too?" Snow asked , Jimin slowly nodded and she moved away allowing him to pass by her to get into the house

Jimin glanced around the place as he walked further inside nothing much had really changed since the last time he'd been there

Hoseok ran and launched himself at yoongi who thanks to quick reflex caught him "hi mr grumpy" he grinned "why haven't you been at work? I missed you" he says getting close to the older's face

yoongi rested his hands on both sides on his hips placing the younger to sit atop of his lap and as soon as he did he felt something touching his leg "what are you doing here Hoseok?" He cocked a brow

The younger giggled "I'm here to visit you and master is here too" he said "I never knew snow was your daughter , you too do look alike . Are you a kitty too?" The boy ranted , the only words yoongi could pick up was 'I'm here to visit you and master too'

"Jimin's here?" He asked , hoseok nodded "how else would I get here silly" he chuckled 

As if on cue Jimin walked in with not such a happy look on his face , yoongi sighed "you didn't tell me you were coming" the younger's eyes narrowed "you didn't tell me you had a daughter"

Snow sensed the tense energy in the room and quickly walked up to the younger taking his arm "lets go play upstairs" she said , the younger beamed and hopped out of yoongi's lap "yaaayy" he cheered

As soon as they left Jimin sat down opposite of yoongi "I didn't think it was any of your business" he said sinking in his seat , Jimin folded his lips "oh"

Yoongi rolled his eyes "not like that dumbass , she only comes to visit me and she doesn't stay longer that a few hours or a day so I didn't think it was necessary " he explained , Jimin folded his arms "it would've still been nice to know"

"Well now you know , better late than never I suppose . I'm a dilf , does that make me hotter?" The older asked smirking

jimin's lips fell into a straight line "can you be fucking serious for one second" he cursed , yoongi's eyes widened not expecting this from the younger "okay fine" he rolled his eyes

"Who's her mom?" He asked , yoongi shrugged "I don't know , some bitch with a bad attitude" he says , Jimin was about to say something then paused "wait- you do know snow is a hybrid cat right?" He asked

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