CHAPTER 10 || new taste

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Hoseok's eyes widened "what do you mean you were once human?" He asked , snow exhaled "we are hybrids so we are half human that's why we can transform but I wasn't always like This" she explained

"I had a normal human life with human friends and family but that all changed when I got bitten by a stray cat , all my memories got jumbled and I can't remember much only being bitten" she says , hoseok continued nibbling at his sandwich intrigued by the new information he'd obtained

"Was I human too?" He asked , she shrugged "maybe , if you have memories of being one . Do you?" Snow asks , he shook his head "no I don't"

"Then you're just a hybrid cat t-

"What are you thinking about?" Hoseok's thoughts were halted as he glanced over at yoongi who was sitting across from him with his eyebrow raised "nothing" the boy exhaled straightening his posture

"Then why aren't you eating? Weren't you hungry?" He asked , hoseok looked down at the full bowl of food before him , he wished he had milk or at least fish but it was just some sort of fried rice

He took up the spoon and began eating again dismissing his craving for something feline friendly , yoongi sat across from him with folded arms clearly seeing that he was forcing himself

He sighed "don't force yourself if you don't want to eat it dumbass , I can buy something else if you'd like" he suggested , just now when yoongi's lips fell into a straight line he reminded hoseok of someone

After some seconds of staring at the older he spoke "Jimin gave me money so you don't have to use yours" he says , yoongi rolled his eyes "can you shut up , If I said I'm going to pay for I'm going to" he says

Hoseok huffed pouting "you don't have to be so rude about it" yoongi resisted the urge to roll his eyes again "how old are you?" He asked

Hoseok's eyes narrowed recalling what Jimin said

'If anyone asks say you're eighteen'

"Eighteen" He said locking eyes with the older , yoongi squinted his eyes "why did your eyes narrow and why did you take so long to answer that simple question?" He asked , before hoseok could open his mouth yoongi cut him off again "is there a chance you're.....lying?" He asked cocking one of his brows with a smirk

Hoseok gulped chewing at his lip "I-I'm not lying" he stuttered unable to keep eye contact with the older male "you're a bad liar , let's go" he stood up walking away , hoseok's eyes widened and he ran after him with the bowl of food in his hands

Yoongi expected this after the boy's previous questionable actions , he took the bowl from him and threw it away in a bin they were walking by , hoseok slapped his arm "master says never waste food , why did you do that?" He asked

"It is wasting food but none of us were going to eat it" he says , ignoring the older's previous statement hoseok asked "where are we going now?" He asked

"i'm going to get ice cream , you go back to your 'master'" he mocked with a soft chuckle "no , I'm coming with you" he says pouting , yoongi cocked a brow at the youngin "says who?"

"Says me" he muttered confidently , yoongi chuckled at this finding it all too cute and amusing at the same time "okay , let's go then"


The small bell above the door chimes as hoseok entered the small cafe that had a soft pink aesthetic theme , suddenly a new scent filled his nose , his nose twitched and he inhaled deeply trying to figure out what this unfamiliar smell this was

Yoongi took the boy's hand into his and walked up to the cash register "hi welcome to sugar rush , how can I help you today?" The hyper woman asked

Hoseok glanced down at yoongi's hand , they were so much bigger than his though they were both males Hoseok's hand was more soft and feminine

"Do you want anything?" Yoongi asked glancing back at the younger who was in a daze , hoseok fish mouthed for a while before yoongi turned back around "he'll have a small tub of strawberry ice cream , a cheesecake and a large milkshake" he said

"Anything for you sir?" The woman asked , he exhaled "just ice cream" he replied "okay , if you could just take a seat your order will be with you in a moment" she smiles warmly at them , the older hummed

They spun around and walked to the seat in the farthest corner of the cafe , yoongi sat and exhaled deeply as hoseok sat across from him still in a daze

"What's wrong with you?" Yoongi asked furrowing his eyebrows "that smell , I've never smelt it before" he admitted , yoongi looked at him with squinted eyes "you've never been in a cafe before and smelt sweetness?" He asked

Hoseok shook his head "no" before they could go any further the waitress came with their order "two strawberry ice cream , one milk shake and one cheesecake?" She asked as she placed everything on the table

Yoongi nodded "thank you" he glanced at her , she smiled "you're welcome"

Hoseok bent slightly to sniff the cold pink thing in a small tub , it smelled weird "we are supposed to eat this?" He asked , yoongi sighed "yes we do" he said as he took up a scoop of his own and ate it

Hoseok though skeptically did this , his eyes widened at the unknown taste and texture "" he says to himself taking up another scoop plopping it into his mouth

Yoongi watched as hoseok ate the ice cream at a rapid pace silently , patiently waiting for him to get a brain freeze

It didn't take long until he did

Hoseok dropped his spoon unto the counter and held his head with both hands "ouchie , ouchie , ouchie" he chanted wincing in pain , yoongi chuckled watching him go through these cycle of emotions finding it amusing

"What was that?" He asked as soon as it stopped "it happens when you eat or drink cold things too fast , so slow down" the older advised , hoseok's eyes widened a bit before softening "okay!" he smiled widely

Though he said that he had several more brain freezes while eating the same ice cream , yoongi would often laugh and he'd blush covering his face getting embarrassed

Yoongi ended up buying most of the things on the menu just to let hoseok taste them , when he didn't like it his nose would scrunch and he would spit it right back out while if he liked it his face would light up and he'd inform the older

This went on for a while until it got late and they had to leave to get back in time before jimin's shift ended


For anyone who is confused to why he doesn't know the taste 'sweet' and is new to it , it's because cats can't taste it but Humans obviously can hense why in his human form it's the first time he'd actually got to experience it

I suck at him explaining , I'm sorry

Hope you guys are doing well and staying safe , I love you all



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