CHAPTER 11 || pickles

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Hoseok hugged the bear that he practically forced yoongi to buy for him to his chest as he held the older's hand swinging back and forth walking into the building from which they came just a few hours ago

Hoseok was happy as ever wanting to tell Jimin about everything that happened while he was away


they stepped out of the elevator and into the empty hall except they could hear chattering and soft chuckles which was odd considering how quiet it was before he left

That scent

The feminine scent he smelt in Jimin's office was stronger this time , they entered the office and what do you know? A dark brunette woman sat before Jimin with a wine glass in her hand as they chatted away

though Hoseok didn't mind he ran to the older jumping into his lap "master" he giggled , jimin's eyes widened a bit , he pulled Hoseok in for a hug brushing away his soft fluffy hair away from his ear "only call me master when home alone okay?" He whispered , his hot breath brushing the younger's ear

Hoseok bit his lip as he felt a warm sensation in his tummy "okay" he whispered back not bothering to question why

"If it isn't min yoongi" Jimin said sarcastically with a smirk , the platinum white haired male shoved both his hands into his pockets "if it isn't the famous jackass park Jimin" he said equally as sarcastic

"where did you take him?" Jimin asked , yoongi exhaled "we went to a cafe and had a great time right Hoseok?" He asked glancing over at the boy who nodded in agreement

"What did you two do?" Jimin asked , before the question could be answered namjoon walked into the room "what's with the big gathering?" He asked , hoseok got off the older's lap and ran to him "Namiiii" he giggled

"Hi bud , I didn't know Jimin brought you or  I'd bring you to my office" he said pinching the boy's cheek , hoseok grinned "maybe next time , hyung I went out with yoongi" he informed the older

"Oh really?" Namjoon asked glancing at the man who wore a blank look "uh huh" hoseok nodded "and he bought me lots and lots of food and this bear" he pointed at the teddy in his arms

"Sounds like you had a blast champ" namjoon smiled "what are you going to name your new friend?" He asked glancing at the teddy , hoseok's eyes slightly widened "I didn't think of that" he admitted

"His name is uhh.....hmmm ahh! His name is pickles" they all chuckled at the silly name , hoseok pouted "why are you laughing?" He asked , namjoon shook his head "nothing , that's a very cute name hoseok"

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